Chapter 9~ °Broken Sorting°

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The boat ride was rather horrid if you would ask Meadow. It was bumpy and by the idiotic waves and she was terrified if she would fall out from the boat, only to get thrown into the deep darkness. Meadow had a death grip on both edge of the boat and also at her brother's hand.
She didn't realise how tightly she had been holding AJ's hand before she all of a sudden heard the sound of bones breaking. Meadow being stunned and afraid stared at AJ who seem to be holding back a groan in pain. The Patil twins weren't aware of the overwhelming sound of bones cracking, since the two girls were talking among themselves.

Meadow immediately let go of his hand, even if it already was too late. The hand was already broken and she knew that it would take him an hour before it healed back to its complete state. An hour wasn't long but she couldn't believe that she broke his arm. Healing fast was one benefit of being a werewolf, having the abnormal ability to heal the most injuries in minutes or hours but for Meadow and AJ it was different. They weren't pure-blooded werewolves and this is why they take slightly longer to heal.
Meadow started hurriedly taking deep breaths, which she had lost the second before. AJ placed his hand that was well, onto Meadow's hand.
Even if Meadow had just broken some bones in his arm, he still had an enormous smile.

"I really didn't mean to, it just happened", she whispered, being well aware the Patil Twins couldn't hear them.

"It's nothing, it doesn't hurt really. Don't worry it's already healing", he reassured her but she wasn't so sure to believe anything he was saying. Meadow glanced at him, and AJ was still smiling brightly as nothing had happened. She stared at her brother for a while before she wrapped her arm around him. They hugged like this until they all of a sudden hit shore.

Seeing that everyone else was leaving the boats and hurrying somewhere the twins did the same after they broke up the hug. They didn't even realise that the Patil twins had left since they now weren't present at the boat. Meadow sighed before she walked off the boat, reached her hand after AJ and helped him up from the boat.

"C'mon now yer two", said Hagrid all of a sudden before he casually walked towards the castle. Without hesitation, the two of them followed after since it didn't seem tempting to get lost out here.

Minutes later, they found themselves in this massive room with the name the Great Hall. The hall had four long tables next to each other and AJ figured that each house would have a table each. At the tables, it was already tons of people that was glancing at the first years and this didn't calm Meadow's nerves down. She felt like she was getting sick. In a couple of moments, she would be sorted into a house and the same would go for her twin. She just hoped they would end up in the same house. Frowning she glanced up at the roof of the Great Hall, where actually no roof was present.  Instead of a roof, it was like an enchanted sky that had flooding candles scattered around. AJ's body tensed in anxiety. Certain times if Meadow's feelings would be too heavy for her to handle, it will smear itself onto AJ. It was an abnormal thing that didn't happen too often but once it did, he knew that he would better calm Meadow down before she would change. AJ took her hand softly, with the hand that once was broken. It had already healed probably due to the long hug.

On a stool up at the staff table, it was an old looking hat that was singing and sort of dancing to a song he was singing. Neither of the twins could hear a single word of what the hat was singing since their mind is practically preoccupied with a million others things.
After the hat had finished singing, the professor from earlier, who had taken the first years into the castle, was now standing beside the hat with a smile on her face. Minerva McGonagall, a person AJ had read highly of in his fathers' journals. Professor McGonagall seemed like a kind and loving woman but also strict when needed. She had probably given his dad tons of detentions but that probably occurred since his dad had this habit of getting himself into trouble.

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