Chapter 15 ▪°Oh Merlin, This Is An Tricky situation°•

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Meanwhile in Gryffindor common room

The day had just begun and the sun was shining brightly at the horizon. Although the trees were getting beaten around by the wind so the weather wasn't the finest.
The Weasley twins Fred and George had just got out of their dorm and was now hovering in the common room. Most of their house had already left for breakfast but some was still getting ready for the day.
George had been glancing out the window but then he saw something peculiar. A girl, probably a first year, huddled up in a blanket that she held tightly around her head. Her eyes were the only thing you could spot and those very eyes were closed shut since the girl was still sleeping deeply. Her right arm was outside from the blanket and in that hand, she held a teddy bear tightly into her stomach.
George stared at her once more before he walked over to his twin brother.

"Shall we wake her?", asked George tilting his head towards the sleeping beauty. Fred frowned before he scratched his head. Some moments later he walked to the other side of the couch with George following after. They both bent down and glanced at her.

"She looks cozy, do we really have to wake her?", Fred questioned as he stared at his brother for some answer.

"We do have to though, you know it's breakfast and handing out schedules and all those things she has to attend", George muttered since he wasn't in the mood for waking up someone who probably hadn't gotten much sleep.

"Why haven't Percy done anything, isn't it his work to make sure everyone is awake?", Fred claimed and George nodded his head. It was his older brother's work to make sure that all the first years was up and that they would get to the great hall without a problem. George shrugged before he softly shook the girl's shoulder and she opened her eyes a little before she closed them shut.

"Wut, I wanna sleep", she mumbled into the blanket and the red-headed twins shook their head.

"Can't do missy, it's the first day", told George and the girl sighed.

"But, I want to sleep...", she muttered both sad and tired. George shook her gently once again and this time the girl opened her eyes. Fred would have awed in amusement because the girl's eyes were stunning and interesting. The eyes almost looked like a forest.

"Why can I see two of you?", mumbled Meadow as she sat herself up on the couch. She figured that she wasn't going to be left alone and like she was told, it was her very first day at Hogwarts. That wasn't the reason though for that she was now wide awake. It was the thought of her twin brother AJ who she hadn't seen for a while.
Meadow wiped her eyes with her left arm as she tried to figure out if she was seeing double or not.
"Oh twins, of course, it is another pair of twins", she said and Fred glanced at her but George began to laugh.

"How many pairs are it now?", Fred asked in curiosity.

"You two, the Patil twins and me and my twin brother AJ", explained Meadow before she got up from the sofa. She was still in her clothes from yesterday and she wasn't quite sure on exactly what had happened last night. All she can remember that she snuck out to get some air, she met this girl in the hallways but she can't remember how she got back into the common room. Maybe she had been sleepwalking. She doesn't quite remember why she had snuck out in the first place.
What she does remember although is something in her dream. It was a tall boy with gray eyes that stood near this mystical river. He had talked to her for a little before he had walked away to some nearby trees.
Somehow Meadow swore that he had seen this boy before.
In dreams, the mind can't come up with people themselves so she had to have seen this boy sometime but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Anyways thank you two for waking me up", she thanked before she was on her way to her dorm. "I'm Meadow if you didn't know", she told before she ran up the stairs but when she stood at the door to the girl dormitories, she couldn't get in. She tried to push the door open but that didn't work. She was certain that she got in yesterday but why not this time?
Maybe it was the wrong dorm, maybe it was the boy's dorm she thought shrugging before she walked over to the other first-year dorm. When she got to the door she was relieved when it opened so she figured that she had taken a wrong turn before. She heeded into the room and people stared with frowns on their faces when they spotted Meadow. Meadow looked confused since it was just boys staring at her.

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