Chapter 44 Laurier

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(Back in time)

"Ate you sure that it's safe? The bang could be the storm probably", AJ explained trying to stay put since he had no idea what was expecting them down the stairs. They had slowly moved from AJ's bedroom and down the hallway next to the creaky wooden stairs. Outside it was hailing rain and the wind was howling and thunder kept exploding.

"I'm not gonna take that risk, not with mom down. I can't lose her too", Meadow replied before she slowly took a step down and luckily the step didn't expose their being. AJ shrugged since Meadow had always been stubborn from the day she was born.

"But Emma and Brixton is there so we don't need to worry, c'mon let's just head back into our room, please Meadow, I have a bad feeling about this", he argued but it was no hope since his sister was already down the stairs and he couldn't let her go alone. He followed after even if his whole body screamed that it was dangerous. Something wasn't right and that feeling just got worse when the disgusting smell of blood laid in the air. Something horrible happened and they are walking right into it.

"C'mon Nyx wake the bloody hell up", Tycho yelled as he slammed a pillow into the face of his friend. He was the first awake and he had already woke up AJ and Rio and he would have awoken Meadow but he hadn't seen her ever since she vanished upstairs and never came back down. Tycho had repeatedly tried to wake Nyx but nothing seemed to do the trick until he got an idea. He stepped back and threw himself onto the sleeping beauty and it surprisingly had an effect when Nyx grunted.

"Tycho, get the darn off me", Nyx growled and Tycho did exactly what his friend said since now his mission was complete.

"Took you long enough to wake up Nyx", Rio muttered and they gazed around the room. Meadow wasn't anywhere to be seen and they did wonder where she had gone.
Nyx checked his watch and his eyes went wide open in annoyance. It was frickin six in the morning and he had never discussed to be awoken at these early hours, he wasn't a morning person to say it short.

"Why, why are we up this early", he told grunting and scratched his eyes.

"We're getting Bhoot that's why. Skyler said that it was best to get my dog before we head to Diagon Alley", Tycho explained like a puppy and Nyx immediately turned his attitude. It was Tycho's dog, how could he be mad at that since it was something that could make him happy.

"Oh, that's right Uhm let me just get dressed and eh where's Meadow?" he stated still in a tired voice.

"My sister slept in her room for the night, I'm gonna get her now", AJ answered before he jogged all the way upstairs and he spotted his mom making breakfast and Stormy feeding Ardale in their toddler chair.
AJ softly knocked on Meadow's door and hoped that she had magically managed to forgive him for what he said yesterday.

"Who's there", came from the other side of the door and AJ took this as a welcoming to open her door. Meadow was already dressed in camouflage overalls and a white T-shirt. She was fiddling with her earnings, the ones she had gotten for her birthday. She turned her head around and spotted her twin standing tall in some light blue denim pants and a dark purple hoodie. As usual, he was wearing his tree earrings.
"Oh, it's you", Meadow mumbled a little flat since she didn't expect him to be begging for apologises this early.

"Meadow, I'm super sorry for what I said yesterday and I just hope you can forgive me. I didn't mean to say that, it just slipped out from my mouth", he apologised gently and Meadow smiled. She heard every word of the conversation between AJ and their mom and that was probably not smart but she just needed to figure out what was bothering her brother.

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