Chapter 49 Thunder cloud

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"I don't want to, it's not morning yet. Go away Meadow", Nyx growled since he had only slept a couple of hours until Meadow tried to shake him awake which she succeeded in doing.

"But, but it's Christmas and it's snow outside and the weather is beautiful and it's Christmas", she told sad in a puppy and Nyx shrugged. How could he say no to Meadow? She was the most adorable person he knew except for Ardale maybe.

"But can I at least sleep a little more, pretty please", he begged and Meadow shook her head determined. AJ, Rio and Tycho were already up for hours ago and they had been feeding the animals while Meadow stayed behind to help with preparing the Christmas dinner. Nyx on the other hand had just stayed in bed and slept far past the morning.

"It's 1.00 pm Nyx and you have missed breakfast and lunch. I was kind enough to let you sleep this far but now you can't sleep anymore, not until later tonight at least but still. Get your butt up and I'm not going to repeat myself this time.", she argued irritated and Nyx knew better than to disobey her but this time he didn't feel like heading out from bed. He was exhausted, tired and it felt as he was tied down on the bed with strong belts. Everything he said yesterday just reminded him about all the things that happened and it tore him in pieces. Suddenly as Nyx closed his eyes once again an overwhelming sound of thunder was close by and Nyx didn't know what happened but it was a loud bang from Meadow stumbling backwards into a wall at an unusual speed.
Nyx immediately opened his eyes and he went his way to help Meadow up but when he reached an arm after her, she smacked it away.

"Nyx, I can't do this anymore. I can't with the lies", Meadow said and he didn't know what she was talking about.

"I don't know what y-", he started protective but she interrupted him.

"It's a literal thunder cloud over your head and don't even try to come up with some lie. Explain to me what's going on and if you lie, I can tell", she told softly and she did tell the truth. A dark thunder cloud was hovering over the head of Nyx and she had never seen anything like that.
Nyx shrugged before he stared at Meadow, walked back to his bed and sat down on the edge. Well, she was going to find out sooner or later, he thought and with that, the cloud vanished.

"Well, I know I can't lie to you", he began and then a huge smirk appeared. "You're a werewolf", Nyx added so abruptly that Meadow slammed her head in the wall behind her. How did he know?

"Nah, you're foolish Nyx, me a werewolf. Absolutely not", she claimed nervously and Nyx surprisingly started laughing.

"Then explain to me why your eyes were glowing red for a second when you fell and why you and AJ are always locking yourself in the room of requirements during a fullmoon and why you always know when someone lies because you are listening to people's heart beat.", he explained still with a firm smirk and Meadow scuffed. She was caught, wasn't she?

"Nyx, I was going to tell you at some point but don't you dare sneak away from the deal with yourself", Meadow argued.

"Me?", he mouthed and Meadow nodded. "I guess I can't hide it anymore but I'm pretty sure you already know what I am", Nyx stated calmly and she didn't know what to say. She did have her suspicions on Nyx.

"You're a demigod aren't you", she claimed and she was stunned when her friend actually nodded.

"And from which goddess, Meadow", he asked clearly.

"Oizys, Goddess of misery, anxiety and depression. Which explains why you can take someone's memory away when they are in misery like you did with me once. Also the thunder cloud...should be a rain cloud though with the research I did", Meadow replied smiling since now the air was finally cleared between them. On their visit to Diagon Alley, Meadow took her time to make a stop at the library which luckily had books on Greek mythology.

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