Chapter 51 Snow gifts

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As everyone was finished eating they settled in the bright roomy living room around the tall Norway spruce Christmas tree which Stormy had made some deals to get, she basically refused to have a tree in the living room that wasn't from her home country. The tree got decorated yesterday after they came back from the shopping trip and it held bright colours and different shaped ornaments.
Under the tree, it was plenty of gifts and it was even more than the twins thought it would be. This year was special because they had more friends over and it was just amazing,

"So, everyone grab a gift from let's see Jayden and we shall open them together", Skyler announced and she passed presents from the tree to her house residents.

"I have a gift from Jayden?", Nyx surprisingly asked since he didn't expect to get that many gifts.

"Of course you have a gift from me, Stormy and Ardale. We can't forget about you", Jayden replied humming and Nyx nearly got tears in his eyes. Never ever in his life did he think that someone he didn't know that well would give him gifts. He had never celebrated Christmas before though...

"", Meadow added when everyone had found a gift.  She instructed and the others followed orders and did what she said. Meadow got a dark blue leather jacket, Nyx got a black leather jacket while Rio got a red one. AJ and Tycho received denim jackets, AJ's was blue while Tycho got a grey one. Skyler got a new uniform for her work and it was Jayden's idea that the captain would get a new one since the old was pretty beaten up.

"Aw, this is did get help from our house since these are quite expensive", Skyler thanked and Jayden nodded.

"I don't know what to say but this is more than I ever could imagine, I love it, Nyx said and he looked down and whipped away some tears and Meadow threw an arm around him.

"It's not much really but I'm glad you liked it", Stormy replied smiling. She thought it would be the perfect gift with jackets instead of anything else. They were usable and they kept you warm during cold weather.

"Can we now open gifts from Nyx because I'm dying of waiting to know what he got for us", Meadow asked snickering. She had an idea of what he had gotten for her but she wasn't internally sure.

"Sure why not because those two have one thing in common", AJ said platonic and Nyx frowned. "Both are extremely impatient", he continued and Meadow gave him a death glare. She wasn't that impatient as Nyx, that is absolutely no way that something like that would happen.

"Haha, really funny but no I have more hatred towards waiting than her. Nevertheless, if you guys want to open gifts from me then feel welcome to", Nyx claimed and Meadow snorted. It was true, definitely another truth told by him. Everyone agreed to his demands and momma Hale started collecting gifts and giving them out to the people around her.
Meadow's gift was the largest one, and it surely had the exact same shape as a skateboard.
"So Meadow that gift is from all of your friends and we hope you like it", Nyx told smiling and she couldn't wait anymore. She tore the wrapping and her assumptions was correct. It was a brand new skateboard that had camouflage print only in dark purple, purple, pink, marine blue, black and some spots was neon green.


"I can't thank you enough for this, Dyxie", Meadow said as she stared in front of her, watching the sun go down on the other side of the hill. All gifts were unwrapped and she was truly grateful for all the things that she got but it wasn't the items that mattered, it was the thought. Nyx had agreed to spend some time outside since Meadow wouldn't stop complaining that nobody wanted to join her so he did. AJ, Rio and Tycho did only want to watch television and she was tired of doing that. She could do that whenever she wanted at home but it wasn't every time when she had friends over. Nyx was happy and that was a strange feeling that he normally didn't feel. He had gotten a pair of a set with thick winter clothes from Skyler and he couldn't believe that a woman could be that nice to him. He sincerely saw the resemblance between the kindness between Meadow and her mom and AJ of course.
Now they were sitting outside on a bench, under a large oak tree with long gone branches and they were just chilling. Luckily the snow had stopped for a while ago and it wouldn't have bothered them if it's was snowing though.

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