Chapter 26 •▪Confessions▪•

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The three boys had heeded back to their dormitory, muttering something about a discussion about Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas, which Meadow recognised as her housemates. Apparently, the Raventrio had walked past the two Gryffindors sitting in a corner and somehow Nyx had blurted out that it's okay to not be straight as a pole. Meadow only heard parts of this discussion because Rio had mentioned that it was what they had talked about a snitch when Meadow was stuck at Snape's office. Tycho was rather interested in this but he got irritated when AJ called Tycho and Nyx a matchmaker but it was true. Trying to either find two individuals that could be a couple or trying to get two people to be with each other is called a matchmaker.

"So, indulge me once again? What exactly were the three of them up to? Are they planning on going in all super spy mode?", Meadow asked with her voice going up and down like a wave in the ocean.

"I'm not quite sure but it sounded like they were going to ask around at the Ravenclaw house if they have noticed anything going on between the two of them, which I think is silly. No offence to your twin brother or Nyx and Tycho but if they were going to play detectives, why not just ask the ones who are closest to Seamus and Dean such as fellow Gryffindors. I understand why they didn't interrogate you because Meadow you are always with either me or them and never spending time with your housemates", Rio explained and Meadow looked down.

It was true, she didn't spend any time with people at her house but that was because she didn't have any friends there. It was too late to find friends there because when Meadow had been getting friends outside from her house, friend groups were already made inside. Ron and Harry were mostly around each other or with the other boys and they didn't like company from a girl so Meadow couldn't stay with them. The girls had huddled up together and created friendship bracelets and Meadow didn't get one. Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil and Hermione Granger was the girl squad and they had unintentionally forgotten about poor Meadow because she usually wasn't around with Gryffindors.

Personally, Meadow knew that it was her fault that she didn't have any friends at her house. She didn't sit at the Gryffindor table during, meals because she always sat next to her twin at the Ravenclaw table. On free periods and after classes she was with either AJ, Tycho, Nyx or Rio and it didn't strike her before now that she wasn't a Ravenclaw. She had nearly forgotten that she was a Gryffindor because the only times she would be reminded by this is when she heeded back to her dormitories because it was bedtime, and at these times she was too tired to realize she was surrounded by scarlet and gold. She had somehow managed to think that she was a Ravenclaw like her brother but it wasn't such a case at all.

"I nearly forgot that I'm a Gryffindor. You're probably right, I should spend some more time with my housemates but I don't have any friends there because everyone besides from me, already have made friends at the house. But, for my defence you don't spend time with your fellow Slytherins either", Meadow told and made sure to be serious on the last sentence.

"Me not spending time with my housemates is a slightly different situation. Many of them are jerks and dumb heads who only care about themselves, especially it's lots of them in my year. The only true friend I have in my house is Esme which always is doing some prefect stuff or she is busy hanging out with her friends which I have to admit that I don't like", they explained sighing.

"I don't get why I didn't end up as a Ravenclaw, things would be a lot easier if I did. I wouldn't need to worry about AJ all the time and I wouldn't end up missing him after each class. If I was a Ravenclaw I didn't have to be so anxious all the bloody damn time because I'm petrified of something happening to AJ and I'm not around to catch him if he falls. The sorting hat could have placed me as a Ravenclaw and I would spend time around with AJ, Tycho and Nyx in the common rooms until late midnight and we could have sleepovers down there. It's not any rules about spending time in the common room as long as you would like.", Meadow testified and it felt like thousands of pounds with weight was lifted from her shoulders.
Rio flips around from their seat so they were facing half of Meadow's face.
"I'm just...not smart enough to be a Ravenclaw", she continued and stared down on the ground when she felt on the edge of crying.

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