Chapter 29 A little curiosity doesn't hurt

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The three boys had ran back to their house, just to find the common room with tons of people maybe everyone from everyone year at Ravenclaw. Neither of them was tempted to stay in such a crowded area so they hurried up to their dormitory, where luckily no one was.
AJ belly-flopped his bed and the same thing did Tycho but Nyx on the other hand just sat down on his bed with his back leaned to the wall and his legs pressed up to his chest. He was resting his chin on his knees and he didn't look like his normal cheerful self. Something was different or maybe it always was there but they hadn't seen or talked about it.

"I'm super Sorry for Esmeralda earlier, she can be a little too right forward sometimes and I don't blame her considering how she grew up", Tycho told as he sat himself up in the bed, facing Nyx and AJ.

"It's fine I guess, I will just apologise again for running out like that but I hope you guys don't mind but it's things in my life that I just don't want to talk about at all. It's just complicated and all but I can say one thing, my parents gave up on me and I ended up living under the same roof as strangers that don't want me there", Nyx explained sounding sad and his voice was slightly shaking. AJ didn't know what to do but he knew that he should have listened to Meadow when she said that Nyx was a source of misery and anxiety hovering in the air that day. If he only had listened to his twin then maybe Nyx would be feeling better and not down in a dark hole.

"Nyx, we don't bloody care that you ran away, we only care about that you, my best friend is doing splendid and we get if you don't want to talk and it's no need if you don't want to. The last thing me and Tycho would do is to put any sort of pressure on you to share things you don't want but just keep in your damn mind that if you need anyone to talk to, you can always come to us or Meadow or Rio or even Cedric and Asher. It is things that me and Meadow haven't shared with you guys and that is because we altogether don't want to talk about them since it's hard for us to do so.", AJ opined powerfully and Nyx let his feet stretch down at his bed. Nyx would always get a shimmer in his eyes whenever he heard something that inspired him.

"Uh, I- don't know what to say or I do know what to say actually. I'm so thankful for having you two as my best friends because I don't know what I would do without you two. I would probably be lost or expelled at this point and I can never thank you guys enough for just being there for me and I might share things at some points but at this moment I'm just not ready for it", Nyx asseverated positively and Tycho nodded.

"I think it's me and AJ who is so darn thankful for having you as our best friend because you Nyx, are the most awesome person I have ever met and also the kindest or next kindest because sorry to say it but Meadow is a tiny bit nicer but that doesn't matter. I'm just happy that I have you and that I know you always would have our back no matter what", Tycho declared smiling and AJ scuffed.

"Yes you are damn right on that one, Meadow is the nicest person and I would feel offended if you thought I was the kindest. But I hate to break it up to you AJ but your sister can be quite petrifying at times, especially when she is honest like real honest, basically telling whatever she wants to without thinking of the consequences. Like I'm slightly scared of her just because I know she can be darn stubborn and that if she wants something she would do practically anything to get it", Nyx stated and AJ laughed at his words. He didn't blame Nyx for being scared of Meadow because she could be quite terrifying if you got on her bad side which usually didn't happen since she was always happy.

"You would be a bloody fool if you weren't scared of Meadow", AJ told giggling between his words and he could barely breathe since he was trying his best to not burst out in laughter.

"Anyways, I never knew you two could speak another language but you two never disappoint when it comes to surprises", Nyx added sounding a little bit more joyful.

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