Chapter 25 °•Potions and Quidditch•°

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Halloween came rushing up and the days flew by since Halloween was just to be tomorrow. Meadow had become rather fantastic at Transfiguration and Professor McGonagall always made sure to check on that she was doing alright and all with the new adjustment. Meadow still missed her home where her mom and all the familiar things were. Jumping into the deep waters was something she would never do because she was afraid of what could be lurking. Either it was unwanted challenges or hurtful times that could come. Meadow had this ability to always see the worst in things and situations and she thought the world was a cold place in which evil lived without paying rent.
But, even if she saw the worst in the world she still would see the best in people no matter what their origin was.

The subject about Nyx didn't get mentioned but she did discuss it with her twin and he said that he didn't sense anything wrong with Nyx. Something Meadow thought was abnormally strange since he was the one sitting next to him and he should have felt that overwhelming rush of feelings such as anxiety and grief. Somehow it was only Meadow that got bothered by this and she didn't have a good feeling about it.

"Meadow, have I lost you in your thoughts again?", Nyx asked and Meadow blinked a couple of times while she remembered that she was in the library with her three friends and her twin brother, doing homework as usual on their normal spot at one of the tables in the very corner of the library.
Nyx was trying to help her with the essay about the Herbicide Potion that she should have finished by now but she hasn't technically started on it yet. Recently she has been distracted by a ton of things.

"Yeah, you might have done that anyways two blobs of flower mole couscous", Meadow replied uncertainly and Nyx shook his head and Tycho snickered and AJ giggled a little before he cleared his throat when his twin sister gave him the 'shut the Merlin up' look.

"You got the amount right but it's the Flobberworm Muscus and not whatever you said.", Nyx retorted in his normal casual calm voice.
Meadow wrote down what her friend told and she was grateful that he helped her but interested to know why AJ didn't.

"AJ, remind me why you aren't the one who is helping me with this", she muttered while she swiftly moved her hands over her essay and the open Magical Drafts and Potions book.

"Because neither of me and Tycho has that essay because Snape only decided to give extra work for the ones who have been in some trouble lately. You ran away from class and Nyx constantly sleeps in Snape's classes. The essay is a punishment", AJ explained and Meadow snorted.
So that's why she and Nyx only have the homework. Talk about deciding which ones that get thrown to the hungry lions.

"I thought we had a benefit and an upper hand over Snape because we are the children of The Atticus which was his best friend but I guess I was wrong", she claimed a snitch pissed off. She was about to rant about how unfair it was to decide who was going to get more work but she didn't have the chance to when Rio appeared with two others. A blonde headed girl with deep green eyes and a boy with brown hair and gray eyes. The girl must be this Asher Lee which is one of the friends or more like the only friend of Rio that isn't Meadow, AJ, Nyx or Tycho.

"Did you just say the name Atticus as in the Atticus Moonshard which is a legendary Hufflepuff", the girl said enthusiastically as she flipped a chair around and sat down next to Nyx. Rio took her usual place next to Meadow and the boy sat down next left to Tycho. This boy was older, the same age as Hyperion probably.

"I did say such words but who are you?", Meadow asked and Rio took her essay to check what it was.

"Oh, that is Asher Lee Wellington and that one over there is Cedric Diggory and as a question why are you doing an essay about Herbicide Potion? Got in a tight spot with Snape, gotten on his nerves or something because I did get these extra essays from him because I never learn a lesson", Rio replied and Meadow wasn't surprised that Rio did get tons of unnecessary extra work because they ended up in trouble.

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