Chapter 48 Acheron Nyx Reaver

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When she arrived home the dark had fallen over the woods and she could barely see the ground because of the dark and the pathetic snow that wouldn't stop falling. Snow wasn't her thing and it just made her jobs harder. Most of the wolves and coyotes didn't like the cold weather except for Snowball which got her name from dancing around in the snow.
The Hale Moonshard house was surrounded by a deep forest, hidden from most and if you didn't know about the house, you probably would never know it was there. As she parked her car in the garage, she checked her watch and sighed when it already was four in the morning. Everyone in the house was asleep she thought but she was shown wrong when she entered the kitchen and found someone she didn't quite expect to see.

"Couldn't sleep?", Skyler asked and found her way to the refrigerator and grabbed two bottles with sparkling lemon water. She sat down on the edge of the counter, sliding one of the bottles towards someone who looked like all hope was lost.

"Yeah, sorry for being too much trouble", he said so exhausted that Skyler could feel his feelings swerving in the air. He was sad, emotionally broken but she didn't know why and she hated not being able to help him.
Skyler gazed into the light blue eyes almost like ice.

"Nyx don't say such nonsense. You're not any trouble at all and I'm glad that you are staying over for Christmas. Meadow and AJ surely love to have you as a friend and I'm happy that they have such a good friend as you. Don't tell this to anyone but the twins did have a lot of trouble back at their old school with people. They kept to themselves and didn't blend it with anyone else and it got that bad that both of them refused to leave the house.  They didn't smile a ton back then but they certainly do now when they have such amazing friends", she told brightly and Nyx smiled even brighter than the sun. He had never thought he would say it or ever have one but it kind of felt that Skyler treated him as she was one of her children and Nyx had gotten quite used to having her around. She always made him smile and she was a wonderful mother for the twins.

"I don't know how to thank you for letting me stay here. I...don't know what I would have done without this", Nyx said brittle and he glanced away and found his eyes landing on a picture hanging on the wall, it was a family photo but it was more than he knew about. He pointed at the picture and Skyler smiled a little.

"That picture must be eight years old or something. It's a long time ago and the story behind is kind of tragic", she told not changing any tone in her words.

"Who are those people within it", he questioned and Skyler was happy that he did. It had been a while since the last time someone had mentioned it.

"That man standing on the left is my younger brother Brixton next to him is me and on my right is my younger sister Emberline which we called Emma and standing beside Emma is her son Lowell. The man on the very right is my uncle Nolan and my aunt Helena. On the front row are Jayden to the right, then Annabelle and so the twins, Meadow of course standing on the left like usual. Sadly over half of the people on that very picture died a year after it was taken", Skyler explained soothing and Nyx felt bad for her. It must be hard to have lost so many people that meant the world to you.

"That's sad to hear and I'm sorry for your losses.", he added empathetic as he took a sip of his water.

"You're not gonna ask?", she claimed and Nyx shrugged. Why would he? It wasn't his business and asking would only remind Skyler of the past.

"No, I think it's better to look forward and not backwards but keep in mind what has happened in the past", Nyx replied and Skyler began to see why Meadow was talking highly of him. He was wise, smart, and it felt like he had an emotional capability that most people wouldn't understand.

"Acheron, I have to ask you something", Skyler questioned so abruptly that he nearly spilt his water. This was serious, nobody calls him Acheron if he hasn't done anything wrong or has been in some trouble.

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