Chapter 52 Lovely Moon

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"Are you sure it's okay for her if we just drop by randomly without a notice", Nyx muttered nervously since his friend Tycho had gotten a brilliant plan to pop up at someone's house. It was the second of January and It was only two days before the winter holidays were over. Yesterday and that day before was a full blast with fireworks, lots of magically good food and activities. Jayden turned twenty-five years old and they had a strange birthday just like the twins. They had a birthday on 31st December but a second after the clock rang new year so technically they are born on two days and a year if you ask AJ.

"Yeah, I'm quite sure that she doesn't mind us visiting. Her dad travels a lot and I think she mentioned once that he was going somewhere today and I don't want her to be all alone so that's why we are going there now", Tycho replied brightly and Meadow shook her head. One thing Tycho had been talking about for a while was his neighbour and also one of his best friends. Luna Lovegood which they were heading over to barge into her house and do whatever friends do.

"I mean she seems pretty nice but are you totally sure that it's okay if we visit unannounced.", Rio mumbled. The twins weren't so scared or nervous about just visiting Luna. They knew she was a great person and that she probably wouldn't kick them out. Meadow had in fact talked to Luna many times before when she was at the store and ran into her a dozen times and she quite liked Luna's personality. It was really original and she always found something fun and amazing to talk about.

"Yes! She doesn't have a problem with us dropping by and you guys need to meet her. She's wonderful and my best friend which I have known my whole life and I can't even wait before she starts at the same school as us. It's going to be a dream come true", Tycho told holding his head up high. Nyx leaned in closer to Meadow and AJ noticed this but he shrugged it off. Nothing was going on between them, right?

"Are you infinity certain that he only likes boys?", Nyx whispered into Meadow's ear and she couldn't stand for giggling.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure he does, why are someone getting jealous now", she retorted and AJ heard this and he spun around and tilted his head at Meadow. Oh, shout, Nyx forgot that AJ was a bloody werewolf and that he could hear nearly everything. Just blimey brilliant.

"Cupcake, please stop bugging Nyx or I'm gonna tell him about that time you puked at a carnival or the time you got so scared of a darn mouse", AJ mumbled low enough that the others didn't hear it but she surely did.

"C'mon guys keep it going. We are there in a few sec so hurry", Tycho rambled as he started running down a hill which lead to a broken down wooden gate. It was a wooden sign not far away from the old gate and on that sign, it was written 'Editor of The Quibler' which was a magazine that the twins loved to read especially AJ but none of them knew that Luna's father could be the editor.
Tycho stood by the gate and waited for his friends to gather before he opened it and it let out a creak. He closed it when everyone was on the other side and he led the others down a zigzagged path. On each side of the wobbly path, it was all sorts of obscure plants in different colours that Rio had never seen before. The pathway stretched far down the road before it led to a tall rock like house and a thick and black front door studded with iron nails and it had an eagle knocker almost the same as the one in the Ravenclaw house entrance.
Tycho couldn't wait to see Luna because it had been forever since they last met and he wanted so badly that his friends would meet her. He knocked on the knocker and it didn't take a while before someone opened it.

It was a girl at the same height as AJ and she had strangely dirty blonde hair down to her waist. Her eyes were pale and close to being silver and she had an odd resemblance to Nyx. Around her neck was a corkscrew hanging on a necklace.

"Oh wonders, Tycho I didn't expect to see you here and you have brought friends with you! It's lovely to see that you have gotten friends since I was a little worried that I would be the only one", she said enthusiastically and her voice was filled with dreaminess.

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