Chapter 46 A secret to hold or not

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"Mom, could we take the floo powder to Diagon Alley instead? It goes much faster and I'm tired of sitting around in a box on four wheels", Meadow complained the second she dropped herself on a chair at the breakfast table. The groupey had just arrived back from the Laurier house and Bhoot was now running around outside. He was going to get his own space until future notice since maybe he could manage to join one of the packs.

"But, I don't like travelling with floo powder...", AJ muttered in a sad tone. Travelling by the floo network only caused him to feel sick and he would always get a headache after the spinning and standing surrounded by fire only stressed him out.

"AJ you get travelling sick by practically anything and aren't you a wer-", she argued but cleared her throat when she was close to saying the word in front of her unknowingly friends. "A very boy who is interested in adventures...", she stammered hoping that nobody would get suspicious of her close slip up but deep down she knew that Nyx got even more confirmation that something was out of the ordinary with the twins.
Meadow once again cleared her throat and sent a desperate glare to AJ and their mom in hope that one of them would find a way to distract the others. Luckily, Jayden strode by holding Ardale in their arms and Stormy was following closely behind them.

"Hey, Jayden. The clock isn't that much so why don't you and Stormy show the others around while trying to find an enclosure for Bhoot. Perhaps he may get along well with Snowball and Baelfire since they are almost the same species but I don't think it would be smart and put Bhoot in with Midnight, Moon and Eclipse since they have been known to be territorial and they are wolves. Definitely not with Cupid though, she's rather grumpy now when she's expecting pups. I don't know you two will figure it out like everything else", Skyler explained clearly. The families wild animals was a free spirit even if they were in an enclosed area but it was only for their own best. Most of the animals had been born in captivity and if they were released into the wild they wouldn't have the needed skills to survive. The purpose of the sanctuary was to rescue the wild animals that needed a place to be without having a blink on their back.

"So explain to me what's up with the tension between you and your friends? I can tell that it's something going on and I wouldn't be mad no matter what and whatever it is I wouldn't stop loving the two of you and I will never stop being proud of you munchkins.", Skyler said after her and her youngest children had been sitting around the kitchen table in complete silence for more than five minutes.

"I hate lying to them okay! It's hard to keep such a huge part of my life out of theirs and it's tearing me apart. I want to tell them but I'm not sure if it's a good idea but they know something is up especially Nyx.", Meadow admitted in a wave of slight anger. She wasn't angry at her mom she was angry at herself.

"I don't want to lie to them either and I'm tired of making excuses for why we end up vanishing for a whole day when it's a fullmoon and I can barely breathe anymore. What if they find out by someone else and they are going to hate us for that. Mom, please shine some light on the situation please", AJ told and his voice got lower and lower for each syllable.

"Well it's quite simple to decide what the next step would be", their mon stated softly and Meadow listened closely.
"How much do you two trust your friends?", she questioned gently and both Meadow and AJ sank into the black hole of thinking.

AJ trusted both Nyx and Tycho with all his secrets and he knew he could always count on them no matter what was going on. They wouldn't tell anyone his deepest secret since they cared about him and he cared about them. It was shocking but real how much he had bonded with the boys and he could barely believe it. They were best friends, best friends in the whole darn world or the entire universe. They had each other back and they didn't turn around to run when things would get hard or complicated. They supported each other and accepted the other for the one person they truly were. It may be too fast to say it but he trusted his friends with his life because he knew they would protect him from whatever danger.

Meadow was one hundred percent sure that she could believe and trust in Rio but what about the two others. Things with Tycho was great and he was certainly an amazing person who would make you smile when all you wanted to do was to cry. He was the hope and light in the darkness and he was a magnificent friend. Nyx on the other hand was fantastic but complicated. It was something about him that she couldn't understand at all. She felt like she had known him for the whole bloody life but it was impossible. Unless... nah definitely not he couldn't be...but what if he was? Probably not, or wait it was no way that Nyx could be her soulmate. It was definitely something else lurking around and she was going to find out at some point.
Anyways did she trust them with such a huge secret? Yeah, she did since she knew they wouldn't tell anyone for her and her brothers' safety.

"I do trust them more than anything and we might have forgotten to tell you but one of them already know...", AJ announced hastily and Skyler tilted her head which was a family trait.

"Which one and how?", she asked curiously and Meadow sighed.

"You remember Sirius Black right you had met him through our dad on a friend date I think... nevertheless this may come as a shock but Rio is the child of Sirius and they kind of knew about it since their dad also wrote diaries and he had written that our dad dated a werewolf so they put two and two together so... well that's it.", Meadow explained constantly staring at AJ'S eyes before she moved them to look at the wall.

"Wait you're not surprised?", he questioned when his mom didn't react like he thought she would.

"I had my suspicion since Hyperion surely look like him if you ask me and the way they lean on the chair... the only person that I knew that did that was good old Sirius and Noir is French for Black. Plus your dad did mention  Sirius getting a child under a conversation and that Sirius suggested if he wanted to be godfather but for some reason, your dad declined", Skyler said smiling a hint. She hadn't met or seen much of this Sirius but Atticus did talk highly of him so he was probably a nice guy.

"Do you think we should tell them?", Meadow asked returning to the main topic of the conversation.

"I don't see any reason on why not. If you guys trust them to keep your secret then it isn't any harm in telling them but it could be some harm if they find out and knowing that their friends kept something so precious away from them. It could hurt their feelings and it may take them some time to forgive the two of you if you tell them too late. If I was you two kiddos  I would have told them since it's better that they know now instead of figuring out later by someone else", their mother told both calmly and softly like she always did when she wanted her kids to hear a meaning behind her words.

"Mother, just a random question out of the blue", Meadow blurted out when a thought appeared. Skyler stared at Meadow waiting for her to continue since her daughter surely had interesting questions at times.
"Do you know any creatures that can remove your memories like sadness, anxiety and misery? It's a project we have back at school and I can't find any information about the theme", she continued in a lie but she did learn over time how to not let her heartbeat skip a beat.

"Misery and anxiety you say?", Skyler stated and Meadow nodded while AJ just sat there quiet. What was his sister up to this time?
"Well the only one I can think of is a goddess in Greek mythology but I sadly can't remember her name but I remember that it ended on a z.", she continued scratching her neck.

"And can a Goddess get a child with a human or perhaps a wizard?", Meadow asked smirking. Well is she was going to entrust Nyx with her deepest secret then it could be good to have leverage just in case he had gotten insane. Meadow started to have an idea of who Nyx really was and she thought it was strangely exciting.

"Yes they can and these children are called demigods and they normally possess half of the powers their parents have but it's up to each and every individual. Some have gotten the same abilities while others have gotten some different ones that are still linked to the root. I'm pretty sure the library at Hogwarts could have some information about them but it's probably at the restricted section", Skyler replied and AJ wondered why such books could be held captive when it was about Greek mythology but he didn't want to question it any further.

"Then we need a signature and that shouldn't be that hard to get. We can simply ask Snape for permission", Meadow muttered and AJ nodded in agreement, what could they say? Snape did have a soft spot for them even if he didn't show it. Deep down Snape saw Atticus, his old school friend in the twins and he couldn't ignore it. They were the last Moonshards left and Snape hoped that they will sprout the legacy. Maybe save another pure-blooded family line even though it wasn't pure anymore but it wasn't dirty either. It was interesting but complicated...

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