Chapter 34 I don't wanna be an Alpha

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(Hour one) Flashback when the twins were five.
"NO!", a voice yelled in horror downstairs and Meadow shut wide awake and she knew something bad was going on. She jumped out from her bed and hurried to wake up AJ who was sleeping deeply but something was happening and she needed him.

"AJ! C'MON WAKE UP!", she yelled desperate and more terrified voices came screaming from beneath them but it wasn't only that, it sounded like someone was fighting downstairs and things were getting knocked over.
Her twin grunted slowly before he wiped his eyes and then opened them up but got alarmed when he saw the look on his sister's face.

"Wut, what's going on?", he asked anxiously and as he sat up in his bed. Meadow was going to say anything but she got interrupted by a loud pulsing bang that came downstairs and it made AJ tackle his twin to the ground before she could scream her lungs out. It was a gunshot coming from downstairs and a smell of blood filled the air. Meadow sobbed into her brother and she was petrified and she could barely move.

"Hey! Have you guys seen Meadow anywhere?", Rio asked breathily when they had reached the Ravenclaw table. They had been running around the whole school trying to find Meadow but they couldn't find them anywhere at the usual spots. It was like she had managed to turn into air.

"No, we haven't why", AJ said casual but a feeling that something was wrong didn't want to leave him alone.

"Because I can't find her anywhere", they mumbled hoping that AJ didn't hear them but he sure did when he shot up from his seat.

"Have you checked everywhere?", he asked a little too high and it caused people to turn their heads at him but he didn't care. Rio nodded and with that, he rushed away but he made sure to tell the other's to stay put. He knew where she was but he had a feeling that something was terribly wrong with Meadow. He rushed up the stairs and for each step he took, it got heavier and heavier and it felt like he was walking through concrete. AJ struggled to move his legs because it was like something or somebody didn't want him to reach his sister but he would and nothing could stop him. People passed him and some asked why he was heading to the Gryffindor house but he didn't answer since he wasn't going there anyway. As he reached the seventh floor he stopped and he had to catch himself with a nearby wall. He felt his eyes shifting colour and that meant he had to hurry so he did. It didn't take him more than a minute or two before he was inside the Room of Requirement but it was different this time. It was covered in mirrors, reflecting everything.
AJ frowned when he heard some rustling like someone was trying to find a place to hide.

"Meadow! Relax it's just me", he called out calmly because he didn't want his sister to get more anxious or scared. A shadow reflected in one of the mirrors for a second but it quickly disappeared and the reason why was because AJ got ambushed from behind. It was Meadow who had thrown her arms around him and she was holding him tightly. AJ got petrified when he felt that his twin was shaking in his arms. Something had really upset or scared her and he was going to find out why.

"It's going to be okay, just breathe with me. Take deep breaths twiny nothing can hurt you here", he soothed and she sobbed into his shoulder.

"I...don't-", she mumbled but AJ patted her on the back.

"Shhh now you don't need to say anything", he said and Meadow let out a small cry in his shoulder and tears started falling. He hated this, seeing, Meadow hurt because it felt like he was falling apart and he didn't have anyone to catch him since it usually was Meadow who did. They were a package, a duo and most important twins. You don't get one or the other because they needed to be together. They were like peanut butter and jelly, cookies and cream or whatever magnificent duo it was. It wasn't the same if the other one was missing. If Meadow was sad then AJ was damn well sad himself because he didn't function without her. She was his light in the darkness and his hope when things were drowning.

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