Chapter 13 •○°Beginning of the RavenTrio°○•

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Meanwhile in Ravenclaw Tower

As AJ had finally reached the dormitories he plumped himself onto the bed. He stared up to the roof, trying to figure out what had caused this sudden wave of sadness. It was like at the highest point of the wave he felt so hopeless and broken. Almost like he would drown if he didn't fight his way up to the surface. Something was dragging him down as he swam but he managed to get back to the surface.
It was Meadow. Something is wrong with Meadow. He felt so guilty for not being with her at the moment. She needs him but where is he? At a different house away from her. He knew that the two of them would figure things out eventually but for that, he needed to talk to her.

Sighing he sat himself up from the bed, resting his head on the wall behind him. He glanced around the common room and realised they were a somewhat bigger class this year. Normally it would only be three to five in a dormitory but in his case, it was one extra. He had introduced himself to the others and the others had done the same to him. Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner and Terry Boot. Well, the other three boys introduced themselves to Tycho but since AJ already knew him he just ran to the dormitories. AJ gazed empty towards the wall, trying to look into space.
Who was the sixth person in their dormitory? Nobody had seen any sign of him and Professor Flitwick started searching for the last student.
AJ could swear that he saw him going up with the others to the Ravenclaw tower but maybe he never entered. It was a mystery.
Somebody opened the door to the dormitory and somebody tried to close the door silently but they failed.

AJ turned his head to see Tycho mumbling something underneath his breath before he sat down on his bed. His bed was on the opposite of AJ so that meant they could talk late into the night if they wanted to.

"So any sign of him?", AJ asked and it seemed like it caught Tycho aback because he fell down from his bed and onto the floor.

"Merlin, I didn't know you were there", Tycho told as he struggled to get himself back to his bed.

"I didn't know Merlin was here either, where is he?" AJ muttered sarcastically and Tycho just rolled his eyes. AJ liked this, having a friend since he didn't have many or any friends before. Tycho sat himself on the bed, leaning his body on the wall behind him. He stared at AJ and AJ did the same to Tycho. They sat like this for a while before they both burst out in laughter. It was like the other person was the funniest thing in the world.
They laughed and laughed and if someone else from their dorm would get up here, they would wonder what was going on. After a while, the laughter settled down and it fell silent. The wind outside was blowing and it was calming to listen to it. Better than silence at least.

"Anyways, yeah he showed up for a couple of moments ago. Apparently, he had lost something in the Great Hall so he went back to get it", Tycho told with a little enthusiasm. Bizarre was all AJ could think. Why go to the Great Hall now and not wait until tomorrow.
"Flitwick is off his rockers. We lost thirty points and it's the first day", Tycho continued but it didn't seem like he cared and neither did AJ. It was just points for winning a House Cup. It wasn't the world's end or something.
AJ was about to say anything but he got interrupted when a boy walked across the room and started looking through his belongings, probably.
The boy had blonde hair filled with a thick layer of curls and skin light almost like snow. AJ caught eyes with him for a second. Light blue or almost gray eyes that nearly glowed and his eyes were one of the rarest. A hint of blue surrounded the iris of the eye.
Tycho tilted his head towards the boy when he realised that AJ had been staring at him for a little too long. AJ just shrugged in response.

"Hey, mind you two stare at something else", the boy suddenly growled and AJ got spooked so he ended up slamming his head into the wall. How did he know they were starring when he had his back turned?

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