Chapter 67 Down the rabbit hole-Part 4

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"Don't drink that, it's one of the poisons!", Hermione yelled when Meadow had a green bottle to her mouth ready to drink the whole damn thing. she knew it was poison and which poison it was, Draught of the Living death that would send the drinker into a deep slumber if it was a human. Meadow on the other hand was half werewolf and the effects of the poison were probably not the same, although she didn't know but if things went bad, she knew that Snape had an antidote at his office.

"Trust me on this Hermione but I know what I'm doing", Meadow replied calmly and AJ frowned, did his sister really know what she was doing because normally she didn't. Meadow had a habit of acting on impulses and when she did that, she left all logic and common sense behind.

"Do you know what you are doing?" AJ asked underneath his breath so Meadow was the only one who could hear him.

"I think so but if I'm not going to die then drink the other bottle of poison. It's the same thing in both of them. It's Draught of the living death and relax if things go bad, I will only fall asleep until someone would give me the antidote", she told confident on her words but AJ got more and more worried but he knew that Meadow wouldn't make him stop her.
When Hermione was about to snatch the bottle away from Meadow, it was too late when she shoted the whole thing at once.
Everyone fell totally quiet, so quiet that you could hear the flying keys flapping its wings and so silent that you could hear the mountain troll snoring. They waited patiently in nervousness because who knows what would happen with Meadow.
Seconds flew by and nothing felt any different than it was before. Meadow was totally fine but she was rather tired and that was probably from the poison she had just drunk.

"See I'm not dead so I'm fine guys don't worry.  The only thing is that it tasted like trash mixed with rotten milk", Meadow explained, tired of all the shocked faces staring intensely at her.

"But it was supposed to be poison", Hermione mumbled pretty confused. She had read the riddle more than thirty times and it didn't make sense that Meadow didn't drink the one who contained poison.

"I don't know Hermione but maybe the Professor who made this, didn't want someone to die because of it", she retorted trying to hide a smalls smile. For once in her life she was right about something, the draught of the living death only worked on humans or wizards but it had no effect on a werewolf.

"Yeah probably, anyways the purple bottle can let one of us go back while the little blue one will make someone go forward while the green and yellow are poison, but apparently not...", Hermione explained dragging her words longer than needed. Before she could ramble on about the riddle, Meadow grabbed the green bottle that had the same distinct scent as the one she had drunk earlier. After that, she gave the bottle to AJ and she gave him a kind look on her face and he knew what he needed to do. He did like what Meadow did and chugged down the whole bottle and she was right, it was the most horrible thing he had ever tasted.

"That was terrible but uhm, I think it's best if Harry moves on and that you go back to Ron. While I and Meadow are going with Harry", AJ admitted casually. Every riddle had a loophole and he had found the one for this.

"How? Only one bottle can take you forward. It's written right here", said Hermione frowning as she pointed at the parchment.

"It's called a loophole Hermione. It's written in words that three bottles are supposed to be killers but since I and my sister is pretty much alive, I think that if we drink the kettle wine as well. We would be able to go both ways but I don't want Harry alone, seeking for danger and I'm not leaving Meadow so...", he explained smartly. Meadow couldn't hold back a small giggle because she had found the key to the riddles loophole.

"Okay sounds right to me", she added before she drank the liquid that was held in a purple bottle, while the twins drank the kettle wine and Harry chugged down the blue bottle containing the liquid that would make him walk onwards, through fire.

"No wonder that nobody in our household drinks wine, it's disgusting", Meadow complained trying her best not to spill her guts.

"Yeah I agree with you", AJ said in agreement and with that they were about to depart ways but he was stopped when Hermione suddenly threw her arms around him. If it wasn't Hermione, he would have punched her because he didn't really allow people to hug him without permission but maybe Hermione was scared that he would get hurt.
The hug lasted somewhat of five seconds before Hermione scrambled away through the purple fire completely unharmed which she announced at saying goodbye and good luck to the rest. Meadow was a tiny bit offended that she didn't get a hug and the same thing was Harry since he thought that they were better friends than AJ and Hermione.
Harry sighed before he walked on with his eyes shut and he walked right through the black flames.
When Meadow was going to do the same, AJ tugged on her sleeve and made her stop in her tracks.

"Are you sure about this? We can go the other way or we don't even know that we can walk through the flames without hurting ourselves. Maybe we should just stay here instead", AJ confessed hollow.

"I believe that we will be fine, besides its just flames. Nothing we haven't been near before", Meadow replied still having the same ring of confidence and security in her voice but this time she had hints of dreaminess behind it. She ran through the fire before AJ did so she would make sure that everything was alright. Walking through fire wasn't that scary as it sounded, it was almost like walking through water on a hot summer day.

"Yeah you can go now, it's safe", she stammered fumbling and a little bit later AJ appeared with his hands crossed on his chest and he didn't look happy at all.

"Did you just do that, you know we really have to talk about this when this is done because I can't let you go around, risking your life, Med", he nearly yelled at Meadow but his voice was close to being like yelling.

"Fine, whatever", she replied as she walked over to Harry who was waiting patiently at them and he did indeed have an amused look on his face. They started to walk a while but not far since an interesting mirror was standing in the circular room they stood in.
Meadow hadn't seen herself in the mirror after all the chaos she had been through so she slightly pushed Harry to the side so she could see how bad she looked. At first, the mirror was completely normal before it showed Meadow standing in the front with baby royalty Ardale on her shoulders. AJ was standing beside her, hugging tightly around his mom while Jayden and Stormy held their arms around each other. Even Annabelle was there and for once she was smiling. When AJ saw how much his sister's face lit up he stepped in front of the mirror when Meadow had stepped away
The same thing happened to him, the mirror was completely normal before it changed into something he didn't expect. He saw himself playing quidditch and his twin sister was cheering at him in the stands with a screaming Tycho on her side while Nyx and Rio just sat there watching. His mom was even in the stands but a tall man with light brown hair was sitting beside her, a man that was no one else than his father...

"This must be a trick...he isn't alive", said AJ harshly and Harry cleared his throat. He had indeed seen this mirror plenty of times before when it was hidden in the classroom next to the restricted section of the library.

"It is some sort of a trick. It shows our hearts deepest and truest desire, basically the things that would make us the happiest", Harry explained brightly and a smile had appeared but that very smile vanished quite quickly when the mirror showed something in the background. It was a purple dressed man, it was Professor Quirrel and not Snape like he always had thought. The person after the stone was the teacher for Defence Against The Dark Arts.

"Look what we have here, Harry Potter the chosen one who defeated the dark lord and two filthy little wolf pups that have ruined the pure magic blood to such a great talented wizard", Quirrel said shirley with the same voice he had when the squad was close to being caught in the forbidden corridor, earlier this semester.
Harry frowned when the words came from his Professor, two wolf pups? What was that supposed to mean?

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