Chapter 61 Chaos

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"Keep your eyes on the ground and stop grinning at me Dyxie. It was a hug, wait you are probably not used to those", Meadow muttered as she ducked under a branch that Nyx didn't see. He ended walking straight into it and his smirk vanished like it was never there before. He got a little scratch underneath his chin and Meadow looked alarmed.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?", she stammered fumbling but Nyx only laughed it off. It was just a little scratch and it was nothing compared to the things he had been through.

"It's just a tiny scratch Starr, I'm alright and yeah I ain't used to hugs so they are kind of special to me", Nyx replied with his smile back on his lips.

"Aw, thanks for calling me special", she joked with a slight giggle like usual and Nyx couldn't keep his eyes from rolling.

"I didn't mean it like that but take it the way you like it. Anyways do you see any silvery liquid anywhere", he said casually. Meadow stared around her before she shrugged. All she saw was old crusty trees and overgrown tall grass. A sudden feeling came over her, almost like a wave drowning you in the ocean. The feeling caused Meadow to get goosebumps and she had a very bad feeling that they were being watched by someone or something. She didn't realise it but apparently she had grabbed onto Nyx's arm, her friend seemed to be equally disturbed.

"Dyxie, it feels like someone is eyeing us down", Meadow whimpered with her voice only causing more fear to Nyx. If a werewolf got scared then it definitely had to be something terrifying.
A branch cracked nearby, sounding as an elephant had stepped onto it fairly close by and this time it was Nyx to held tightly around Meadow, making sure that she was behind him, although he knew that she could protect herself.
"I don't like this", she mumbled anxiously and another branch got broken.
It felt like they were being surrounded by some dark creature or an omen of death because it was constantly shadows being eaten by another.

"Just stay behind me okay and please don't argue", he told with Meadow not sparing a moment to nod in agreement. The cracking of fallen tree parts, later on, turned into loud rustling in the bush that was right beside them. Meadow was too scared to do anything, too scared to flash her eyes, too petrified to fight and protect herself. Nyx frowned when he found Meadow shivering and he didn't know what to do. All his powers were linked to emotionality and nothing else.
He was about to say some soothing words to try and calm Meadow down but he got interrupted when a dark figure appeared behind them, it was tall and it had four legs with hooves. It looked like a horse but instead of flesh, it was nearly all bone. For some, this creature may seem fabricated but it was all real to the ones who could see it. Nyx knew exactly what it was when it was shown up in light but he got even more worried for Meadow. It wasn't everyone who couldn't see them, only people that had witnessed death with their very eyes but Starr didn't deserve to be a victim of that.

"Starr, it's alright. It's no harm and no danger. It's a thestral a horse looking creature that many fear because they are said to be omens of death but they aren't dangerous as long you don't treat their territory.", Nyx explained calmly. A second went by in the wind and he knew he had managed to calm Meadow down but something wasn't right.
She looked up at the thestral in front of her but she quickly looked away. It was exactly like the one her father had drawn in his journal but she didn't understand. Thestrals could only be seen by the ones who have seen death but what about her father and Nyx...

"Acheron", Meadow mumbled with her voice cracking. Nyx's suspicion that something was wrong was just reinforced because Meadow had never called him by his first name before.
"You...know I...I gotta go", she rambled but before Nyx could say something she turned her back to him and ran away. He started running after her but after a while trying to catch up he realised it was no use.

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