Chapter 17 ▪Don't judge people by their house▪

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As AJ walked away with his friends she smiled but that very smile disappeared some seconds later. She was happy for her twin brother but was it right for her to be jealous of him. He got friends and so did she but her friend is a Slytherin, the long enemy from Gryffindor. Meadow didn't believe in the grudge between the two houses but other people did. Gryffindors wasn't a big fan of the Slytherins but why? What occurred that created this dividing line? It was people, people who thought that every rumour is true. All Slytherins are bad and every Gryffindor is brave-hearted nice ones. That's what most people thought at this school but it's so wrong. Not every Slytherin is evil but if you think about the ones who turned evil, what made them switch sides?
A person isn't born evil, evil is something that is made by the actions that other people do. What if a Slytherin got warm smiles from the rest of the houses instead of a cold shoulder? Maybe the evilness would vanish and turn into something good.

Meadow frowned when she still felt someone staring at her so she looked across the table, and her eyes met with the Weasley twins. They had been glancing at her from the time she had mentioned Hyperion.

"Hey, anything wrong you two?", Meadow asked as she pointed at the two redheads that shrugged.

"I don't think if it's a good idea to be friends with Hyperion", Fred told and George nodded.

"It's just that they are a-, how do I say this? They are not such a nice person", George said and she flinched her eyes a few times. Why are they saying this since Rio did seem like the nicest person in the world?

"And why is that so?", she asked and once again the Weasley twins shrugged. Please don't tell me that they have some silent argument with each other.
"I think I have figured it out already. Correct me if I am wrong, may you? Anyways you two was probably friends with Hyperion but when they got sorted into Slytherin, you guys decided to not talk to them anymore.", Meadow continued because it was almost like a light bulb had appeared over her head. She didn't need Fred and George to say anything because the looks on their faces was an answer enough.
"No comments, well then I can tell everyone at this table some shocking news. Not all Slytherins are bad because they are kind-hearted people as well. Just look through and away from what house they are in. Give yourself a question to think of: if they weren't a Slytherin would you be treating them with equality or as a friend?", she told with so much confidence that she was amazed and confused since she didn't know she had that in her. Sometimes when things would annoy her she would end up being honest and maybe too honest at times.

"Ho- How did you know?", George asked nervously but Meadow appreciated his honesty. He didn't refuse and that is an ability few people have.

"I can read behind the lines, but it's okey I guess that you two or anyone else at this table can dislike Slytherin. You know, I can't decide what you guys think about others, even if you think that Slytherin is bad, but it's a sign of stupidity", she told but said the last part under her breath. She still wanted to make friends at her house even if it could be complications.
"But just remember they are still human, still first years like everyone else at this school. They still have feelings like everyone else", Meadow stated and Ron's mouth dropped open.

"You really are a person who says whatever comes in your mind?", Ron mumbled startled.

"No actually not, my thoughts out loud, eh I probably would get expelled for those", she replied and again with the stupid honesty. She didn't know why but a couple of times she would just say whatever she wanted to without thinking of the consequences. It was a trait she had inherited but she didn't get it from her mom.

"But, many Slytherins are bad", Hermione blurted out and Meadow wasn't sure if she was indicating that every Slytherin is bad or if she was indicating that some have gone bad.

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