Chapter 20 ☆▪Birthday owls▪☆

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The Potions class went by rather peacefully and AJ even learned to brew a potion that is used to cure boils, not that he needed it but it could be handy to have in an emergency with non-werewolves. Snape actually was nice to him and he even told the class that his Potion was the best that day. AJ didn't expect that at all but he did get annoyed at Snape although since Snape was constantly breathing down his neck.
But it seemed like having a dad who knew Snape had benefits.

"I seriously don't get it, that wasn't Snape, it must be someone under polyjuice because that man was way too kind to you and Snape is always a grumpy cat", Tycho claimed as he took a fork full of mashed potatoes into his mouth. Nyx had already finished eating and the same thing had AJ and Meadow but Tycho, on the other hand, was quite a slow eater.

"Eh, I don't think so, he was friends with our dad and that is probably why he treats us with kindness", AJ explained but it didn't look like Meadow was in the mood to talk about Snape.

"Maybe well anyways Meadow what did you do during your free period", Nyx asked and she wasn't sure why but it seemed as Nyx was rather nice and sweet towards her for some reason. Maybe he liked her but that was unlikely since Meadow sensed something with him.

"I was just getting a tour around the castle by someone strange. Peeves for some reason found me wandering around the halls and he frickin asked me if I wanted a tour and I just said yes in a confused matter", Meadow said modulated but she still was intrigued by the strange encounter by a ghost that is known for Mischief. Tycho was stunned and he dropped his fork onto the plate and Nyx's eyes went wide open. AJ didn't look shocked but it almost seemed like he knew that something like this would occur.

"Peeves, THE Peeves who is known for making trouble around the school?", Tycho asked stunned before he picked up his fork again and began eating the rest of his food.

"I'm not surprised actually since for some reason our dad was known for being one of the most troublesome Hogwarts students and he had Peeves on his side so they usually joked around with people together", AJ mentioned and Meadow remembered that her twin told about that. Their dad was one of the pure-hearted people but he was a magnet for trouble and mischief especially.

"Yeah, I remembered that you said that once", Meadow mumbled as she scratched her neck. Nyx had his mouth open and he was about to say anything but he got interrupted when an owl flew over to him and landed on his head. Meadow and AJ grinned when they saw the package the owl had dropped on the table seconds before. As they were about to take the package three more owls came flying over to the Ravenclaw table and each of them carried with them packages or Nikisha and Alexis had with them two packages. The owls didn't fly away though after they delivered the mail, they either decided to waltz around the table and the twins got glances from every table since they wondered what was going on.
The owls weren't unfamiliar to AJ and Meadow since it was their family's owls. Nikisha strode over to Meadow and nibbled her twin's finger but Meadow petted her owls behind the wing and then the owl stopped biting. Alexis was the owl who had gotten comfortable on Nyx's head and it didn't seem like he was bothered by the owl. The two other owls present was Hoothie Jayden and Stormy's owl and Annabelle's owl named Comet.

"Wanna explain why Nyx has an owl on his head?", Tycho asked at the moment he tossed one of the packages to Meadow who caught it elegantly.

"Birthday presents we presume", Meadow replied as she opened her present that was from her older sibling and their girlfriend. AJ did the same thing as he tore open the gift.

"Birthday present, what you guys have birthday today?", Nyx questioned curiously in a rushed voice.

"No, we had our birthday yesterday", Meadow answered coolly and Nyx's mouth fell to the floor.

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