Chapter 21 ▪☆Small panicks☆▪

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Meadow gazed up at her friend who looked like they had won a million galleons in the lottery. Meadow wasn't sure why they were glowing with happiness when they were heading towards detention. Rio sure was an interesting person, she thought before she smiled like nothing was going on. As she didn't have anything to worry about even if it usually seemed like the world was against her.

"Ok, I have tried to not ask but I'm gonna ask anyway", Meadow told as she grabbed Hyperions arm to stop them from walking.
"Why in the world are you this happy?", she carefully asked and her friend began to laugh.

"I'm happy because I have a friend and this friend is you", they replied optimistically and Meadow started to feel her blimey cheeks heat up, meaning they were a possibility for them turning into red tomatoes.

"Aw, seriously I didn't know being friends with me could make someone that happy. Why haven't I thought about it myself, maybe I should start creating a friendship with very me"? Meadow said snarkily in sarcasm and Hyperion shook their head.

"Wow, you really are something aren't you", Rio announced in a soft voice and Meadow grinned. Has she actually found a friend that doesn't judge for the ordinary sarcastic comments she makes all the time?

"Yeah, I guess I am, anyway here we are at McGonagall bloody office. No offence towards Professor McGonagall but I think the situation with me should have been handled better than they are doing", Meadow said because it felt like things were piling up again and she hated this feeling. Sometimes she would just say whatever she had on her heart since it practically made her feel an infinitive way better.

"They should have and I'm sorry for what's going on with you", they replied as they knocked on McGonagall door and 'a come in' was heard the moment later.

"It's okay, it's nothing to worry about. Things like this just seem to happen to me quite often so I'm used to it by now", she mumbled and she hoped that Hyperion didn't hear her but they absolutely did since the expression on their face was pure empathy. Rio was someone who understood what she was going through. The world is evolving and it's not the best to stand in the middle of the fire.
Rio opened the door and they waited for Meadow to go first and then they walked after her.
Professor McGonagall was writing on some documents and she waved at them as the two of them sat down. McGonagall was a woman in her middle age years and she looked quite intimidating and strict which she genuinely was though.

"Ah, Miss Moonshard I see you have gotten friends with MX Astarlinx, that's nice to know", Mcgonagall muttered with a bright smile.

"Uhm, yup we are friends nevertheless are the dormitory situation under control", Meadow added in a rushed voice because she really wanted to just head to the common room, into her dormitory, get her clothes and take a warm shower. That's all she wanted at the moment since she was exhausted by waiting for the stupid answer. The answer was about if she could get into her own damn dormitory.
Meadow gazed over at her friend and saw that they were glancing around the room anxiously and they were fidgeting a lot.

"Everything is all sorted and figured out. Dumbledore just needed to mend the spell for equals like you and others. Now the spell will work after what the students prefer but this will be mentioned in the Hogwarts letters as the school needs to know beforehand", Mcgonagall answered as she got weights lifted off her shoulders.
It did make sense to mention gender information in the Hogwarts letters since it would save students from awkward conversations or unwanted circumstances. It's not the funniest to have to explain to someone you barely know one of your deepest secrets especially if you are like Meadow.

"That's great to know Professor", Meadow answered in a humming tone but something lurked around in the air. It was a high feeling of tension building up and it didn't take her long time to figure out that Rio was the smoking grenade. They were stressed out by something but they weren't before they entered.

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