Chapter 68 But she is the same...

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"Wolf pups? What does that mean?", asked Harry losing his focus on the stone but he couldn't keep his thoughts away from it. The twins could hear things far more better than anyone else could, things from miles away or far beyond that. They could see things that were a hallway down, hallways that feel everlasting. The twins could even tell when someone would walk into a room without thinking but Harry never understood how they could do these things.

"Haarry, keep your focuso, bro", Meadow replied but her tone was drowsy and she had never called Harry bro before. AJ frowned before he immediately wrapped his arms around Meadow, dragging her wherever Quirrel wasn't He had a bad feeling about his Defence Against The Dark Arts Professor since he shouldn't have known. The only ones who knew about Meadow and AJ being werewolves were Hagrid and Snape but what if they had told anyone...

"Oh dear, it doesn't look like your sister is well. I wonder why not", said Quirrell scabrous as he took a step closer to the twins than another before he stopped in front of the mirror. He glared wildly at them with an awful grin that would send nightmares to children.

"Meadow, Meadow, hey it's going to be fine, okay", AJ told struggling to stay calm when he felt his twin shivering next to him but that wasn't his worse worry. A second Meadow closed her eyes and at that second when her eyelids found each other, she lost control of each and every muscle. She waddled a little before she nearly fell but she couldn't when AJ was holding her in his arms. He softly tried to shake her, in hope that it was all a joke. A joke that she had gotten from Fred and George which Meadow had been hanging out with, just doing complete nonsense and Mischief. When she didn't react, AJ once again shook her in his arms but this time he did it slightly harder and then again but he didn't get any response at all.
She was all gone.

"What have you done to my twin sister!", AJ yelled his voice being spluttering and Harry had walked next to him, horrified that Meadow would never wake up. Quirrell laughed loudly and shirley almost like an evil cackle as all villains have.

"I didn't do anything to your pathetic sister. She did that to herself", he responded in a tone filled with hoarse.

"No, this can't be. We drank the same poison, it's not supposed to work, it's not supposed to end this way", AJ whimpered when it felt like his legs had gotten numb. He slowly sat down to the floor, still having Meadow, tightly wrapped in his arms, refusing to ever let go.

"Exactly, you two drank the same poison but look who is-well asleep we could say. It turns out that you are stronger than her but you already knew that. She isn't like you or your mother. She's weak, a bad bone in the family or is she because for me it seems like her blood is purer than I thought. It lacks some dirty wolf blood it seems", Quirrell claimed grating, his words so hurtful. Meadow wasn't weak, she wasn't a bad bone in the family. She was just a little different but what if...

"What do you want?", Harry snared as he got in front of the twins in hope that he could protect them. He didn't care about who or what they was, he could worry about that later but now he needed to make sure they got out from here safely.

"Funny you ask Potter since you already know what I want, so why don't you tell me where the Philosopher's stone is, before I have to hurt your friends", he told harshly.

"What do you want with it?", asked Harry, taking a firm step backwards so he would stand in front of the twins. After all, they were family in some sort of way. His dad was their godfather and Harry hadn't got used to it but maybe he should try to think of Meadow and AJ as family, instead of some strangers that he thought was trouble. For the whole school year, he had asked his friends to spy on the twins, in the hope to figure out what they are up to but it turns out that they are just a bunch of people that have an amazing bond together with their friends. Harry was most suspicious of Meadow ever since she exposed that Harry could have been placed in Slytherin if he didn't refuse. He was always on alert when the twins were near and he always watched what he said.

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