Chapter two

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Hi! So I am editing every chapter slowly...soon the whole fanfic will be available again.

I also wanted to inform you all that English isn't my first language. I have improved over the years but it still isn't the best...My apologies for that.

If you see mistakes, feel free to comment them!

Thank you for reading! <3
"Izuku, we are going to be late," you shouted, pulling at the sleeve of his black uniform, the same one you wore.

Standing at the back of a crowd who were carefully watching a fight between a villain and a hero, biting their nails and tapping their feet on the concrete, was your least favorite spot to be at.

And it was Izuku's favorite. You wished villains would wait until after school before doing their evil plans, because now you were going to be late, again.

"But look, they are fighting a villain!" Izuku pouted while pointing at the scene.

You rolled your eyes, "Whatever Izuku, they fight villains all the time."

The villain was a new one, someone you hadn't seen yet.
Izuku scrambled something in his notebook while you started writing in yours too.

You see two years after finding out, the two of you asked for a notebook for your birthday.
Since then you have been writing in it about both heroes and villains. Mostly villains as they caught your attention more.

In the night you and Izuku would switch notebooks to write the things you didn't saw or hadn't noticed but the other had.

Izuku was slightly smarter than you were and better in analyzing hero's while you were better in analyzing villains.

"Such an ugly villain." You muttered underneath your breath as you wrote details down about his looks.

The curve of his nose, the pointy edge of his fingers. The way too small clothes he was wearing. His furrowed brow.

Izuku gasped,"Don't say that!"

You chuckled and gave a small push against his shoulder. "Oh come on, Izu. It's not like he can hear me."

"Yeah but still, you tend to say what's on your mind a lot without thinking about it. It's going to get you in trouble sometime."

You ignored what he said. After all, it was your decision to let your mouth ramble along while your mind couldn't process it in time. Simple, it was freedom of speech.

"We should leave."

"A little longer, please." Izuku said with pleading eyes.

Those puppy eyes, you couldn't say no to that, so you sighed and nodded your head.
He smiled brightly at you before facing back to the fight.

"I can't see a thing," He muttered, taking your wrist and pulling you with him to the front of the crowd.

You shouted some 'sorry's' to the people you two pushed aside.

When you finally could see the scene from a clear view a hero flew by.
You placed your hands over your ears the moment a group of young women began screaming out the hero's name.

"The young and talented star," Izuku said next to you.

"You were the one asking but you gave perfect commentary, kid." A voice you did not recognize spoke.

Both you and Izuku slowly turned your heads at the source of sound. A man, probably around the age of retirement, stood next to Izuku.

He looked like a kind man but he stood way too close to Izuku for your liking. If he took a step closer he was about to meet your friends, right hook and left gut.

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