Chapter seven

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This chapter is going to be longer than normal. Also there will be torture in this chapter but I'll put a warning before it starts and I will also say when it ended for the people who want to skip it! Enjoy!

"Mom, please. It's only for a month." You begged your mother.

You were trying to convince her to let you go to a training camp for a whole month. Of course it was a lie, you weren't going to a training camp but to the league.

The only problem was that she kept saying no.

"I already told you no." Your mother repeated.
She was doing the dishes when you bursted in the room. Now the dishes had been standing there for already half an hour and your mother was planning on doing it fast so she could watch her show that was on tv today, guess she was going to watch it later.

Because you weren't going to stop anytime soon.

"But Izuku gets to go out every day."

Inko looked down, smiling softly before sighing.
"That's different."

"How is that different? Because he's a boy and I'm a girl? Or is it because he's your favorite child?"

You always got extremely mad when it came to this subject. Your mother let Izuku do more things than you, he could go do whatever he wanted but you? No, you were like the princess that was stuck inside a castle that was being guarded by a dragon.

And it was no secret that Izuku was her favorite child. When the two of you did something bad you would always get more punishment. Ever since the doctor said you will probably manifest a quirk, she told you every day that you stole Izuku's dream from him, that he was the one that needed to get a quirk, not you.

Manifest a quirk? That doctor spoke complete bullshit to you as you still hadn't manifested your quirk.

"Don't say that!" Your mother was quick to say. "It's different because this is for a whole month."

"But it's with many other children." You lied. Shigaraki did act like a child most of the time but he was twenty years old.

Your mother was still not convinced after all the lies you told her.

You bite your bottom lip, trying to think of a way to convince her.
"Come on mom, it's a training camp. Nothing can go wrong."

"I'll think about it." She sighed.

That wasn't the answer you were going for and Shigaraki won't like that answer either.
He didn't like his plans being disturbed or messed up. If your mother wasn't going to agree very soon he would kidnap you or worse, kill her.

So you tried again. "But-"

She slammed her hands on the table, she had furrowed eyebrows and narrowed eyes.
You gulped, knowing she had enough from you for today.

"No buts. I said I'll think about it, now go to your room. I don't wanna see you for the rest of the day."

"Fine." You said and did what she asked you.

The moment you entered your room your phone went off.
Shigaraki was calling you.

You took a deep breath before picking up. You couldn't even say a thing as he began to speak immediately.

"Did your mother agree?" He asked.

You sighed. "No, not yet." You were prepared for his outburst.

"Not yet? Master won't like hearing this. Do you have any idea how much of our time this costs? If she doesn't agree fast I will make her agree, I'll disintegrate her arm then her leg and-"

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