Chapter twenty seven

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Katsuki Bakugo's POV.

Your screams filled the arena, making everyone go quiet.

The smoke cleared. Your body slowly came into everyone's view, making them gasp.

The blonde boy stared down at your bloody body, glass pieces sticking out of your skin in different parts of your body.

two in your left arm, one in your right arm. three in your right leg and one in your shoulder.

Blood dripped down to the ground as you weren't moving.

"Defect?" He barely said above a whisper.

Was this because of him? Did he cause those injuries on you? He never intended to hurt you with that blast, he would never hurt you on purpose. But there you were, laying on the ground with blood dripping down your body and that all because of his huge blast.

At least that was what he thought, he didn't know that your glitch stopped working and that your quirk was going insane.

Meanwhile Midnight crouched down next to your body, not touching you as she was scared to hurt you even more.

"Get her to recovery girl!" She shouted at one of the heroes that stood on the sideline.

It almost seemed as if her words made something click inside your brain.
Your arms started moving, pushing you up with all the strength you got.

Midnight took a step back, shocked that you could still move. Not that she was the only one that was shocked, everyone was. They were almost sure that you were unconscious just a minute ago.

"No." You said.

"What?" Midnight asked, confused.

You stumbled on your feet, your head still hung low, it almost seemed as if your body moved on its own.

"I said. No." You spoke in a low voice, snapping your head up at Midnight as you glared at her.

"But you are hurt badly." Midnight softly said, trying not to make you mad.

Katsuki watched in between you two, wondering what got into you so suddenly.
You were acting reckless but not like you always do, this was different. You were definitely in pain but it seemed like you didn't even notice it.

"I can still fight." You said as you started pulling out the glass pieces from your leg.

He watched as you pulled out every glass piece that stuck in your body. With every single one there came more blood out.

If you weren't going to stop you could lose too much blood but he knew that wasn't going to stop you.

"Don't act so tough. You're almost bleeding to death." He said, his eyebrows furrowed as he glared at you. 

You shook your head in denial. "I can still fight. Unless you want to step out of the bounds?" You said, cocking up an eyebrow.

"In your dreams!" He shouted.

He knew he had better done that and stopped this match from getting more brutal than it already was but he was too prideful for that, he wanted to win.

He wanted to end this match quickly so your wounds could get healed by recovery girl but he knew he couldn't just throw you out of bounds because you were going to fight back with everything you got.

"Than fucking fight me!" You shouted, activating your quirk and pulling him towards you with your telekinesis.

The boy let himself get pulled to you, wanting to see what you were going to do.

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