Chapter eighteen

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After the attack school was closed for a day. You spend that whole day playing games with Shigaraki at the league's base.

"Hah! I won again!" You shouted, your fists punching in the air.

You and Shigaraki were sitting in a room that was made for you for if you'd ever have to sleep or live there.

There was a small bed and a little closet. It was not much but Shigaraki had moved his tv and playstation to your room so the two of you could play as he didn't want you to go in his room.

Shigaraki scoffed, rolling his eyes at your happiness. "Don't get cocky. Next game I'll win."

"Yeah yeah. That's what you've been saying for the past ten games." You rolled your eyes.

You started a new game.

"This time I will, you brat." He said with full confidence that he was going to win.

"Whatever you say boss."

As you were almost winning again, Kurogiri came into the room.

"Sorry to disturb your match but Y/n needs to go home, it's already past five." He announced.

You looked at your phone seeing that Izuku had called you eighteen times already.

"Oh shit. I need to go right now!" You said, taking your stuff.

"Seriously? You can't finish this game?" Shigaraki asked, clearly annoyed that you needed to leave.

"Sorry dusty man but I was already winning so next time."

He nodded his head, "Next time."

You walked through the portal and stepped out right in front of your house.

As you walked in your nose got filled with the scents of katsudon, which was Izuku's favorite food.

"Just in time for dinner." Your mother grinned, putting the food down on the table.

"Great!" You smiled back.

Izuku didn't say anything to you when you sat down next to him. He was probably mad because you didn't pick up. He was such a control freak when it came to you and your life.

"How was training, dear?" Your mother asked.

It kinda was surprising to you that she asked that. She never showed any interest in you or your dreams, not that you really had them.

Still, she always showed interest in Izuku and Izuku only.

"Euhm?"You questioned. You hadn't trained at all today but they didn't know that. "Good."

You wanted to take another spoon full of your food but you heard someone sobbing, making you stop and look up.

"I'm so proud of you two. Finally making your dreams come true. I'm so sorry that I didn't believe in you but I promise that from now on I will always support you in everything you do." Your mother cried.

You and Izuku stood up immediately. This was one of the first times that she was so vulnerable in front of you. She didn't have a problem with being vulnerable in front of Izuku but that was maybe because you weren't the type to know what to do when someone was crying.

"Mom, don't cry. It's alright." You said, trying to help her.

Izuku hugged her with a smile.
"We love you mom."

You wondered if she would still be so supportive when she finds out who you really are and what your goals really are.


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