Chapter fifty two

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Heyy guys!! I have some great news!

This is the last angsty chapter for like a month or something. After all those angsty chapters there's finally coming some happy stuff. :D

Anyways Enjoy the chapter!
"How are you feeling?" The sleepy yet rough voice from Aizawa spoke up.

At the moment he was driving you to prison to meet All For One.

After spending a whole day at school having classes and training, you really wanted to take a good nap but Nezu had other plans for you.

You had to visit your father, even though you rather never call him that, he still kinda is.

"I'm doing fine." You answered, looking out of the window, watching how different trees passed by.

Was it already Autumn? You wondered. After being in coma for a whole month you weren't up to date with the seasons or the dates.

"Are you ready to talk with him?" Your teacher asked you, concern lingering in his voice.

"I am. Well, I have to." You sighed.

It wasn't that you were excited to see the man but you had some questions you really wanted an answer to.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry." Aizawa apologized.

He always saw you as a girl that was full of excitement and determination for her goals, one that could definitely become one of the top ten heroes.

But after the incident something changed...
You weren't that excited girl anymore that he saw everyday in his class, you weren't the girl anymore that showed true potential of being a hero. Now you were cold and distant, still determined but not in the same way anymore.

Maybe it was because he now knew your real intentions? Or maybe something in you did really change?

"Don't be. I guess that's always been the plan." You gave him a small smile.

He was always good at seeing the fake smiles of his students but with you he just couldn't, it was like you were mastered in putting on a mask and hiding your true feelings.

The rest of the drive was silent and peaceful, it was good because both of you knew that it wouldn't be peaceful there.

After a while Aizawa pulled in on a parking spot a bit further away from the prison.

"We're here." He said, unbuckling his belt.

You didn't say a word as you unbuckled your belt and stepped out of the car.

The stinging cold wind immediately clashed against the exposed skin of your arms. You instantly regretted your choice in the morning to not wear a sweater.

You walked towards the prison, your heartbeat going faster with every step you took.

Everywhere you looked were police officers and you already had seen two heroes walking too.

It was extremely guarded but you expected that as this was a prison.

Aizawa walked inside of the building and you followed quickly behind him.

He began to talk to one of the main officers but you weren't really listening to anything until the officer suddenly looked at you, holding a strict glare.

"Everything you say will be recorded, everything that happens in that room will be recorded too."  He explained.

What was he thinking? That you would try something? Well, you could indeed but Shigaraki hadn't told you about any plan so you weren't going to do anything.

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