Chapter fifty eight

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Heyy! I'm extremely sorry for not uploading yesterday, I had a very busy weekend and couldn't write the chapter.

But I made time to write it today and it's 5000 words long so enjoy! <3
"How's Teddy doing?" You asked the blue haired boy that sat in front of you on a chair.

After months of always sitting on boxes, they finally bought some chairs and of course Shigaraki had his own typical chair where nobody was allowed to sit on.

"He's a brat." The villain scoffed. "He's always sitting in front of my chair when I come back home from a mission."

You nodded your head in agreement until you thought a bit better of what he said.

"Wait, that's sweet! He waits for you to come back home."  You squealed, clapping your hands together.

Just the simple thought of the little dog you gave him, doing something so lovely towards him cheered you up completely.

"I guess." He shrugged, acting as if it didn't affect him at all.

"He never leaves my side. It's annoying." He quickly added to make it more convincing that he didn't like it but you knew him better than that.

"Stop the cap, you like it!" You slapped his arm with a grin.

He loved the dog, you could see it by the sparkle in his eyes he got when he looked at the dog.

It was the same sparkle your mother had when she looked at you or the same one that your brother had.

Simply, it was a look of family.

"No." He denied again.

You choked up an eyebrow, showing him that you weren't believing one bit of his bullshit.

"Maybe a little." He finally admitted. "But that's besides the point. He always follows me around and sometimes I almost fall over him because he's so tiny."

"Sucks to be you my dude." You laughed. "How are the others treating him?"

The base was empty again. The others were constantly on missions for Afo and for Shigaraki. Afo had planned on making you and Shigaraki the most powerful weapons and he needed the league to do some missions like beating one of his most powerful Nomu's.

It was a mess as Shigaraki would say.

"Good. They always play with him." A hint of jealousy was lingering in his voice. "But he still loves me the most."

"I can see that." You chuckled, looking at the tiny dog that was sleeping in front of Shigaraki's feet.

"Dabi wants to give him purple shoes and a purple jacket."

"Why?" You asked, not getting why he would want to do that.

"So he can call him Dabi Junior." Shigaraki answered with a scoff, annoyed by Dabi's nonsense.

Your hands clenched onto your stomach as you bursted out of laughter.

That was the funniest reason and name you had ever heard. And the fact that it came from one of the worst villains ever was even more hilarious to you.

The boy chuckled too, amused by the fact that the dog looked so joyful and at peace even though he's literally in a group of villains.

Didn't mean anything of course, Shigaraki won't ever let anything happen to the dog.

"So you talked with the heroes?" He spoke up, catching your attention again.

You nodded. "Yeah, the war is taking place in two days. We are teamed up with Katsuki, Izuku and Denki."

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