Chapter sixty four

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Before this chapter begins I quickly wanted to say that my first language isn't English so I'm very sorry for any errors. I really appreciate it when you correct me on my mistakes!

Thank you all for your support on this story! Ya'll mean so much to me! <3

Anyways, enjoy!
(Word count: around 6000)
"I'm planning on taking mister Aizawa's quirk."

The words bounced on the walls like a ball, coming right back into Katsuki's face.

It was only an hour after dinner, most students were still downstairs watching tv but you and Katsuki felt like having some private talk since the two of you hadn't seen each other for the past week.

He pushed himself upwards, making you fall off his chest a bit.

"What? Are you for real?" He asked, his eyebrows knitted together, hoping you
were joking.

However, you weren't.

You looked down, not daring to look him in the eyes as you gave him a guilty nod.

You'd hoped he would just accept it and support you through the transfer but that was fake hope, you deep down always knew that he wouldn't.

"You know what that means right?" He asked, almost acting as if you didn't know that.

You sighed, placing yourself next to him on the bed. "Yes, I do know Katsuki. But this is the only choice I have."

You couldn't think of another way to be able to defeat All For One. You needed Aizawa's quirk so you'd be able to erase the quirks.

Without it there would be a much higher chance for you to die.

Katsuki didn't think the same as you did.

He shook his head. "No, we'll figure something out. We said we'll do this together."

Guilt mixed with sadness started to swell inside your chest. It fell onto you like a rock, crashing your chest, making it harder to breathe.

"I know but the plan of the heroes is the best shot we got to win this."

You really hoped that he would understand you.

"They are planning on locking you up. What's so good about that?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

He was right on that part, there was nothing good about that but you knew that they would try to lock you up with or without your help.

But Katsuki hadn't thought about that.

"They're locking me up with or without my help, it doesn't matter I'll always be a target." You informed him.

The boy stood up from the bed, phasing back and forth in the room before turning back towards you.

You quickly stood up too, hoping that he wouldn't run out of the room.

"So even if we win, we actually still lose? Because you're not going to be with me?" He asked, his voice about to break.

The reality of the future that you had already seen came crashing down onto Katsuki.

He had believed that after this you would come back to him, you'd stay with him forever like the two of you wanted.

But the heroes forbade you for it.

"I wished it could be different but-" You wanted to say but Katsuki cut you off, having enough of this.

"No!" He snapped. "You don't wish that. You only think about winning this, about the league and about Shigaraki. You never think about your other brother, your friends or me."

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