Chapter fifteen

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It was only your fourth day of school and you were already sick of it.

At the moment you were staring outside at two birds that were flying next to each other in circles.

Two birds that were in love. They looked so happy with their life, they felt a huge amount of love for each other and it made you wonder if you could ever become so happy, it made you wonder if you needed to be in love to be happy.

But you had never felt the feeling of love. Could you even feel love? With that question in mind your eyes drifted off to the person sitting right in front of you.

He was staring at the two birds too but not with the same question that you had. In his mind one question kept repeating itself, 'could I be that sweet for the one I love too?' His eyes slowly drifted off towards you.

You and him stared into each other's eyes for a second, wondering how being truly loved would feel.

"Y/n can you answer this question?" Mister Aizawa suddenly asked, snapping you out of your deep thoughts.

Shit, you hadn't paid attention to anything that he was teaching. You needed to go around the subject so he would drop the question.

"I can but I have to ask you first sir. What conditioner do you use? I mean your hair looks so smooth and soft." You smirked, letting your elbow lean on the table with your chin in your hand.

Aizawa sighed. "Y/n, answer the question."

"Do you have a wife? What conditioner does she use?" You winked, knowing that he doesn't have a wife and that it was probably a touchy subject.

You had better not used that subject but regret always comes too late.

"Kid, if you didn't know the answer you could've just said so because now you have detention."

You scoffed. "Detention? Never heard of him."

You could hear some of your classmates snicker in the back, making you grin massively.

You've always been the class clown, even when you were quirkless you still were the 'problem child' from the class that would do anything to make the others laugh.

Maybe it was a way to cope with the fact that you didn't have friends and making them laugh by doing something stupid was the only way to feel like you actually had some friends.

"I don't get paid enough for this." You heard Aizawa mumble before asking the question to someone else.

You stared back out the window but there was only one bird. The bird was looking around for the other one but the second bird was already gone.

You frowned, thinking, 'Well that was a sad ending.'

"Dumbass. You are always working yourself into trouble." You heard Katsuki say in front of you.

You looked at him sideways. He was fully turned around at you, watching you stare out the window.

"I learned that from you, barbie." You scoffed before looking back outside.

"I'm not a problem child like you are. Most people love me. And you wanna know why?" This caught your attention as you now were fully turned to him while cocking up an eyebrow.

You didn't say anything back but he already took the hint to continue.

"Because I have the best quirk and I'm going to become the next number one hero, everyone knows that." He smirked, his ego taking over.

"Hate to break your bubble but people don't love you, Katsuki. And your quirk isn't all that. Even your mother thinks that you are a stuck up asshole." You smirked back.

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