Chapter thirty five

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"Hey, are you Hatsume from the support course in UA?" You asked the girl on the other side of the line.

You had asked Izuku for the number of Hatsume because you wanted to change something in your costume which wasn't true.

Actually, you wanted to know if she could make gloves that cancel out someone's quirk.

"Yes? Who are you?" She answered back.

"I'm Y/n Midoriya, the sister of the plain looking boy with green hair." You chuckled at the explanation you gave of your brother.

"Oh, I know him. How can I help you?"

"I wanted to ask you, if you maybe can make hand gloves that cancel a quirk?" You were nervous to ask her for the gloves.

What if she realizes that those gloves are actually for Shigaraki?

No, she wouldn't be busy with things that are about the league. She probably doesn't even know about them.

"What do you mean?" She asked, not understanding what you wanted.

How were you going to explain what you wanted without spilling something about Shigaraki?

You could use your own quirk but would she believe that? It was a risk good enough to take.

"I can glitch every part of my body but I want the gloves to prevent me from using my quirk on my hands." You explained, hoping she would believe you.

"I get what you want! When do you want them ready?" The girl spoke out of excitement.

She was extremely happy to have someone calling her for her help.

She loved making new things and experimenting with new gear.
For her to get a call to make some gear was a dream come true.

Even though she was amazing in what she did, people never did the effort of getting her number and asking her for help. Normally they would call a real industry who makes gear.

"Is it possible to have them done right after the exam before the summer vacation begins?" You asked.

You wanted to give the gloves to Shigaraki before the attack.

You knew about all the things that happened in his past and you wanted to do something for him as he always does a lot for you.

"Yes, that's possible! I will start making them right away!"

You released a deep breath out of happiness. "Thank you! And euhm could you make them that they only cover up two fingers?"

"Yes, that's no problem. Goodbye Midoriya." The girl said and you could tell she was extremely happy because of this.

You let out a small laugh. "Goodbye Hatsume." You said before ending the call.

You put your phone back in the pockets of your uniform and walked back to the main area of the bar.

Shigaraki was staring at a picture of Izuku.

"Can you stop staring at the picture of my brother like a creep." You said, slapping him on the back of his head as you took a seat next to him.

"Shut up, brat!" He spat, glaring at you.

"Stop being a creep!"

He disintegrated the picture and turned towards you.

"I'm going to kil-" He said but got cut off by the front door opening.

A man who you had never seen before walked in.

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