Chapter twenty five

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I know I said chapter twenty three and four but I'm going to upload more. So here you have chapter twenty five and you will probably get twenty six and seven this week too. Enjoy!

After your match you decide to go back to your class. You didn't want to be alone anymore but you weren't in the mood to talk with anyone either.

You made your way to the class 1-A stance where all your other classmates sat. When you arrived all eyes landed on you, making you gulp.

Were you that interesting to stare at? The uncomfortable feeling went away when Kirishima began to talk.

"That match was so manly. You totally overpowered him!"

You gave him a soft smile, not having the energy to be cheerful. "Thank you."

The lack of energy in your words shocked your classmates but they knew better than pushing you for an answer. So they turned their attention back to the arena.

You sighed and took a seat in the highest row as that was the row with the least people.

In front of you sat Katsuki and next to him were five empty seats, normally you would've taken the seat next to him but after that fight both of you knew that it was better to keep your distance.

Four matches went by. The first one you saw was Iida and the girl from support classes. She basically used Iida for her own spotlight. You liked the girl, she was clever.

The second one was Mina vs Aoyama. Mina won as the queen she was.

The third one was Momo vs Tokoyami. You had hoped to see more from Momo's quirk but she was overpowered by dark shadow.

After that match Katsuki left. Not giving you one glance as he left. You knew that it was only one more match before his own but to your surprise Uraraka stayed a little longer. She probably didn't want to have the chance of running into him before their match.

And after ages their match began.

"This might be the most disturbing match." Tsu said, making Jirou shiver. "I know, I almost don't wanna watch it."

"The last match of the first round. He was kinda a hot shot in middle school and look at that determined face. From the hero course, Katsuki Bakugo!" Present Mic shouted as Katsuki made his way to the arena.

"The person I'm personally roeting for, also from class 1-A, Ochako Uraraka!" He shouted again but this time for the brown haired girl.

This was going to be the most disturbing and interesting match to watch for you.

You were curious about what Katsuki would do, how he would treat Uraraka.

"Midoriya, I'm curious. What was that strategy you came up with for her to win against Bakugo?" You heard Iida ask your brother.

You listened closely at their conservation as you wanted to know what his plan would've been too.

"Honestly it wasn't really a plan. Kacchan is so strong. When it comes to close combat he almost never has an opening. The more he moves the more he sweats and that only makes his quirk more powerful. He's gotten really good with using his explosions to move in the air. But if Uraraka is able to touch him she can use her quirk to make him float out of bounds."

You wanted to mock him when he said that Katsuki was strong but than again he wasn't lying.

You hated it. Why did he have to be so strong?

Why did he have to be the one you looked up to so much?

Why did it have to be someone that couldn't give you what you wanted?

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