Chapter sixty two

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Happy halloween everyone!
How could all of this have happened?
The question kept wandering in your mind, coming back every now and then to remind you of the horrible things that happened.

You sat on a wooden chair next to a small bed that looked way too uncomfortable.

The tiny hairs on your arms stood straight up and slight shivers went down your body, begging you to go somewhere warmer but you couldn't leave the blonde girl that lay on the bed alone.

She was sleeping for a full day, not waking up for even a moment.

Even though the healer had told you that Toga would be fine, you couldn't help the fear that made your heart beat faster.

You couldn't help but wonder, what if she dies? Would you be able to survive another loss?

She wasn't as important to you as Shigaraki was but she still meant a lot.

She was the only girl from around your age in the league, she was your best friend in this villain group.

You sighed, knitting your eyebrows together with the hope that your thoughts would stop.

Luckily a groan came from the bed.

In the corner of your eyes you saw Toga shift to feel her head.

"Y/n?" Her soft voice spoke out as she locked eyes with you.

It seemed as if hearing her voice made the world shine a lot brighter. Your heart was beating back in a steady phase and the fear you once felt completely disappeared.

You leaned closer to her, rubbing your hand over her arm as you said. "Hey. How are you feeling?"

She looked around before closing her eyes shut, her head not fully used to the sounds and light that lingered in the room and outside of it.

"Fine, but my head hurts." She sighed, rubbing her head with her hand.

"Yeah, you've taken a pretty big hit against your head." You said, letting out a light hearted chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

She looked at her lap, trying to figure out what had happened.

You could tell her but you weren't sure if you were mentally stable enough to talk about it already, you'd just let her figure it out at her own time and phase.

The whole league had been quiet since the war, since what happened to Shigaraki.

Even though they weren't there when it happened and had seen it happen like you did, they still felt the pain and the loss of their boss, their friend.

And then Toga had gotten a hit to her head and had fallen unconscious on the ground next to Dabi.

The league hadn't been in such worry and panic ever, they were scared to lose another member, another friend.

But because of you, Toga had survived.

"You saved my life." You heard Toga suddenly say, her eyes wide and her mouth gaped open slightly.

You smiled a little. "I'll always protect all of you."

You'd swear that with your life. After losing Shigaraki you won't be able to handle another loss and that goes for both the villains and your friends back in UA.

Now that you're here with the league as their new boss, you haven't talked with your friends but you were sure that they understood that you couldn't.

You wondered if they're afraid of you now or not?

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