Chapter thirteen

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"I am coming through the door like a normal person!" You heard All might say as he walked through the door.

He was for sure not coming through the door like a 'normal' person as he said he was doing.

"Attention seeker." You muttered underneath your breath. At first you didn't hate All Might but after the incident on the roof you couldn't stand him anymore.

"All Might!" All the others shouted, happily.

"Let's get right into it! Today we'll be doing," He said, standing in front, where Mister Aizawa normally stood. Damn you really missed Mister Aizawa at this moment and that was only because you had All Might for the teacher.

He pulled out a card before shouting. "Combat training!"

You smiled hearing those words. Finally something you were excited for, not to mention that you could beat people up with in this hour of class.

"How can you be a hero without a costume? You can't! That's why you can all put on your hero costumes!" He shouted with a smile, showing us lockers with our costumes in.

You all took your costumes and walked to the changing rooms.

You saw Izuku walking a little in front of you so you decided to walk next to him.

The moment you came to stand next to him, you could tell he wanted to ask you something. "What costume did you choose?"

"The one mother gave me. and you?" You answered.

"Same." He nodded.

Your mother had given you and Izuku a costume, both looked the same except for the colors. Yours was white with black lines while Izuku's was dark green with black lines. There was also a mask with it but you thought it looked ridiculous so you had to cut it off.

In the corner of your eyes you could see Izuku playing with his fingers and Biting his lips.

"Are you nervous?" You asked, already knowing that he was.

"No, Yes. Well kind of. It's just I don't wanna go against Kacchan."

You understood him, of course you did. You had gotten punched and beaten by Katsuki all the time back in middle school, you knew how he could go into overdrive with it and it was not like Izuku hadn't gotten beaten up by him too, in fact he had also multiple times but you were there most of the time to save him.

"I understand that but he can't go too far with the teacher by our side." You assured him.

It seemed to ease his nerves as he said. "Yeah, you're right."

You both splitted ways when you came to the changing rooms.

Putting on your costume you noticed that it was a little too tight for your liking, it showed too much of your figure and you didn't like that. Not that you weren't confident but you knew some of these boys were sexually frustrated and would go off by anything that a woman does at this point.

Most of the class walked outside at the same moment, making All Might's eyes lit up.
"They say the clothes make the person. Young men and ladies, you are heroes! Look at that, you all look so cool!"

You noticed that Izuku wasn't standing with all the others from your class. You wandered around, looking for him until someone touched your shoulder, making you stop immediately.

You turned around to the person whose hand was. Black hair and big teeth came into your view as you stared at a smiling Sero.

"Nice costume, Y/n! It matches with the white from your hair." He smiled brightly.

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