New fanfic: Traveler (first chapter)

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Y/n Tsutsumi POV (daughter of Lady Nagant)

Once you saw death, it shattered everything around you.
The sun didn't feel as warm anymore,
The stars didn't shine as bright anymore.
Death ate at your soul and played with your heart until there was nothing left.

Death's scream pierced through, and crushed the whole of your being until there was nothing left, but silence.

An Unbearable silence.

Trapped beneath the crumble that used to be a prison cell, lay the bodies of those you shared countless of memories with.

No tears fell, only a cold washed through your veins, freezing you into position.

Even as heroes screamed at you to move, you couldn't look away.

Within a few months, they would be nothing but bones. And eventually, nothing but ash.

"Y/n, you need to get out of here!" Aizawa's voice came from the right, finally snapping you out of the trance death held you in.

Your eyes shifted to the man you knew as your foster father.

His white scarf was now painted red by death's hand. He was holding his left arm with a tremble.

You blinked, moving one step closer to him. He was alone, "Where is mom?"

His mouth opened, then closed.

Whatever was left of your heart dropped to your stomach, making you feel like sticking your hand down your throat and pulling it all out.

"Shota," your chest heaved. "Where is mom?"

Before Aizawa could answer you, a figure appeared from behind the rubble.

Your eyes widened, your heart finally finding a beat once more.

Your mother's prison uniform was thorn at her left leg. Blood ran from her forehead down to her eyes.

But she stood.

She was walking, and that meant she was fine.

She was alive.

You took another step closer, and another one. When her gaze lifted to meet yours, a radiant smile graced her lips, the kind of smile of one who had heard the haunting whispers of death, felt it's touch upon their hands.

Your feet carried you through the battlefield. Stars collided as your mother embraced you.
Underneath her skin and bones, you felt her heart beat. And you wished for it to never stop doing that.

"My baby," your mother cried. "I was so scared they took you away from me."

Her hand caressed through your hair, avoiding accidentally pulling at the clumps made by dried up blood.

Relief shot through you at the sound of her voice.

"I'm here, mom," you assured her. "They didn't take me."

She pulled back, her eyes scanned over your face. Her hands never left your shoulders, and so you felt the never ending tremble that death had forced upon her.

Her lips curled into a small smile, which you returned.

"It's time, Tsutsumi." Aizawa's voice came from behind you.

Your mother's smile fell immediately, her breathing grew heavier.

Your eyebrows pulled together. What did they mean?

"Time for what?" You looked over your shoulder, but Aizawa was looking away. You turned your gaze back to your mother to find new tears running down her cheeks. "Mom, what's going to happen?"

There was something wrong. You could feel it in your stomach, and in the returned cold.

Your mother shook her head, "It's for the better, Y/n."


You stared at your mother, waiting for an answer, one that could tell you what was going on.But instead, she started to cry harder, gasping at air.

She let go of you, tried to smile but failed. "We will see each other soon, I promise."

You wanted to reach out to her, but another pair of hands grabbed your shoulders and pulled you with them.

It was not Aizawa, you did not recognize these men.

"No, don't touch me!" You screamed, pushing his hands off. Another person came to help and grabbed your hands, pulling them behind your back like you had seen the guards do with the prisoners.

"I want to stay with her!" Tears fell down, wetting your black with white dress. The dress you had gotten from your mother, one that resembled her hero uniform from her twenties.

You jerked your hand out of his hold, stretching it out towards your mother, reaching for her. "Mom!"

"I love you so much, my sweet baby! Don't ever forget that!"

Her hands moved towards her mouth to drown out her sobs.
You watched as she sank down to the ground.

"Mom!" You called out once more before the prison's light was replaced by the somber sunlight of outside.

Four heart beats faltered into two.

Death did not take her hand that day, or yours.
But time did.

Time, and heartbreak.

Two things that never answer to the questions caused by their actions.
So this was the first chapter of Traveler, which is now uploaded on my profile!

The blurb and tropes of this fanfic has been discussed in the last chapter here named: author note

Thank you for reading and I hope to see you again in my other fanfics! :) <3

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