Chapter sixty

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Warning!!: Major character death!

I cried so hard writing this chapter.

Please, go easy on the insults and threats. Everything that happens in this fanfic has a purpose for the storyline/plot.

Anyways... Enjoy!
Y/n Midoriya POV.

You never had experienced being shot, you weren't even planning on ever experiencing it.

But when that loud noise roamed through the air, telling everyone that there were shots fired, you couldn't help but close your eyes.

You were ready to feel an insane amount of pain but it never came.

Did he miss? No, his quirk was specifically made for this, he couldn't miss.

You opened your eyes and looked at your stomach, but you saw no blood, no bullet wounds. You were completely fine.

That's when you heard a heavy voice groan in pain.

Your heart stopped for a second, your hands shaking against your stomach and a cold shiver went down your spine.

You could recognize the sound of his voice anywhere.

Why had he been so foolish to save you? You thought as you looked up to the boy that stood in front of you.

His eyes were wide and his face had lost all its colors, he looked sick, very sick.

But he wasn't sick, he was in pain.

You could only call out his name as his body fell limp into your arms.


You immediately kneeled down to the ground, holding his upper body in your arms as he laid down on the ground.

For the very first time you saw fear in Shigaraki's eyes, so strong that it matched the emotions in your eyes.

A disturbing coughing sound was heard, soon followed with blood that slightly dropped from the corners of his mouth.

"Hey hey, what-" You rambled in pieces, not sure what was happening and why it was happening.

In the back there were muffled sounds of the war that was going on and the gasps of your teammates who were standing a couple of meters away from you, watching all of this happen with open mouths and tears in their eyes.

Nobody could see the villain that stood behind a tree, watching everything that happened with tears streaming down his face.

He had known Shigaraki the longest, he had raised him as his own little brother as there was only a couple of years in between the two.

And now he was watching the only person he had, die in front of his eyes.

And you...

You were looking down at Shigaraki with fear and confusion.

"Y/n, you're safe now." Shigaraki spoke up, his voice sounding raspy and distant.

Almost as if he wasn't fully with you anymore.

"I am and you are too. I promised, remember?" You gave him a small smile, trying to assure him that everything would be okay.

With a shaky hand you moved the hairs that laid in his face behind his ears, wanting to be sure that he still felt a bit of comfort in a painful moment like this.

His hands laid on his stomach, just next to the two bullet wounds as it was too sensitive to touch.

The white shirt that he was wearing was now fully tainted red, his hands dripping with his own blood.

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