Chapter seventeen

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Katsuki bakugo pov

He flew away until he fell right in between Deku and Kirishima. His mind was still trying to figure out what happened as everything went so fast.

When the smoke cleared, Deku stood with tears in his eyes looking straight at a broken wall.

The villain was looking in that direction too, ignoring everything All Might was saying. He wanted to do something, he wanted to help you but that would blow your cover. He couldn't help but scratch his neck until it bleeded as stress was taking over him.

Katsuki followed the direction of your brother's eyes until he saw the broken wall. It didn't look special or as if something bad had happened after all it was just a wall. But then he looked down at the body that was laying on the floor, motionless.

"Y/n!" Deku shouted, running towards you.

His mind started registering what happened and it made his blood boil.

Not because of what the villains did but because you saved him.

"Why did you do that?! I didn't need you to save me!" He shouted as he stomped his way over to your unconscious body.

But when he arrived at your body you didn't move, you didn't even say a snarky comeback to him. Nothing you did nothing.

"Defect?" Katsuki said in a questioning way. He bent down to push your shoulder but you didn't move an inch.

"She's still alive. Take her to recovery girl." All Might said, pointing to Katsuki.

He snapped his head towards All Might, scowlin as he did. "Why me?"

"Because she saved you and the others are fighting villains."

He slammed his fist against the floor. "Damnit."

If you hadn't saved him he wouldn't have the burden of carrying you to recovery girl. He could've been fighting villains now and showing Deku that he was better.

He took one last look at the others before sliding his arms underneath you and carrying you bridestyle.

His mind still couldn't understand why you jumped in front of him and why you saved him.

You hated him, you've always had.
But now you are risking your life for him.

He couldn't understand that.

Your unconscious body began to move a little in his arms and a groan escaped your lips.

"Hey, sleepy head?" He softly spoke as your eyes were opening a little.

A smile formed on your lips and you chuckled. "Are you still using that nickname, Katsuki."

He clicked his tongue. "Tch. It suits you."

When you snuggled back into his chest Katsuki's heart was beating faster than it ever did.

Why aren't you pushing him away? How come that you are snuggling into his chest?

You probably had hit your head too hard against that wall, Katsuki thought.

He looked down again to ask you about it but your eyes were closed again and your breathing was calm.

"Are you sleeping again?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

When you didn't answer he spoke again. "Y/n?"

But you still didn't answer.

He arrived at recovery girl who came running towards them as she saw you laying in his arms.

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