Chapter four

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You followed the man all the way to the same street you walked when you went home from school. The sun was already going down and you asked yourself if it was a smart idea to go with a stranger, not even knowing where you two were going.

He suddenly stopped behind a corner and signed you to stand next to him.

"Before you ask." He spoke up. "My name is Tomura Shigaraki."

You nodded your head. You now knew his name but then again that was it.
"Well, my name is Y/n Midoriya but you already knew that, didn't you?"

He scoffed, his eyes staying on the street behind the corner.
"Don't act like a brat now. You will get your answers when the time is ready."

"A brat? You are the one that leads me to the corner of a street without telling me anything about yourself and have you ever heard of moisturizer? Because damn you really could use some." You blurted out, going into your usual raging modus.

The word brat was something you hated to hear. It was the word your mother used when she was mad at you and you didn't want to be reminded of those moments.

Shigaraki turned towards you with a confused but angry expression.
"What? You don't need to know anything about me. I don't want to be here with you but the master gave me this mission so I don't really have a choice."

"Master, huh? Is it like a relationship thing or?" You asked, cocking up an eyebrow.

"What?! No, he's my father figure or whatever you want to call it."

You still thought it was extremely weird that he called his father figure his master.
Why didn't he just call him father or dad?
Did he really need to be special and call him something like that?

You choose to not think too much about it and let the guy do whatever he wants. After all it wasn't your life and it wasn't you that called your father that nickname.

You hummed in response while nodding your head.
"Hmm, so about the moisturizer-"

You were cut off by Shigaraki shouting.
"Shut up, brat! They are here."

Before you could ask who he was talking about he grabbed your head and pushed it a little behind the corner where you could see Izuku and All Might talking to each other.

"Young man, I came here to thank you also to discuss your question from before. If you hadn't told me about your life, if you hadn't run into that fight. I would've been a worthless bystander watching from the crowd." You heard All Might say.

You were interested in the conversation as you didn't know what he was talking about.
It sounded like Izuku had brought himself into trouble. The one time you had left him alone he goes and gets himself into trouble. You are the one that always gets into trouble, not him so when did he turned into a rebellious teenager?

"Oh, no. It was my fault he was there to begin with! I got in the way of your hard work, I wasted your energy and time." Izuku answered with a trembling voice.

"I'm not done." All Might sounded a little annoyed with Izuku, making you want to laugh but you couldn't because it would blow your cover.  "You told me you didn't have a quirk. so when I saw a quirkless boy try to save a life it inspired me to act too. There are stories about every hero and how they became great but most have one thing in common. Their body's moved before they could think, almost on their own."

Your mouth slowly opened more and more with every word All Might was saying.
Izuku had jumped into action to save a person's life, risking his own.
It surely sounded like something Izuku would do.

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