Chapter fifty one

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Heyy! Sorry that ya'll needed to wait so long for the new chapter! I was busy with school and didn't have the time to write.

I also wanted to inform you all that I will upload every sunday from now on because of school.


"You're late."

The words wandered around in your mind like a broken record.

Was it always this cold in your room or did the temperature just drop?
You didn't know but your body couldn't stop shivering.

The boy stared right into your eyes as you stared back into his.

The tension was so heavy that it could get cut with a knife.

Why did he have to come now? Why had you forgotten that you and Katsuki slept in your room every night?

That stupid mistake could expose your secrets but you weren't going to let it get that far.

You gulped, knowing that you had to say something.

"Katsuki. How was the exam?" You asked, remembering that they had the hero license exam today.

The boy chuckled and shook his head, knowing exactly what you were trying to do but he wasn't fooled that easily.

"No, don't change the subject now. You're late and you just stepped out of a purple portal that was definitely made by that warp villain." He said, glaring at you.

"I did?" You asked with a gasp, trying to make it look like you didn't know that.

But that wasn't going to work. Katsuki wasn't stupid and what you did was childish, trying to act as if you didn't know about anything while it happened right in front of him.

"Yes. You wanna explain that?" He sighed.

"I don't have any explaining to do to you." You scoffed, leaning on your right hip while crossing your arms over each other.

You knew it was better for you to explain all of it and avoid a fight but that could ruin your plan and it could get him in danger.

"You didn't really lose your memory, did you?" He suddenly said, surprising you.

You snapped your head at him, eyes wide.

He had figured it out, but what else did you expect from one of the best students in the class?

However, it wasn't a smart plan to talk about it in your room. If a fight broke out people would hear it and not to mention that Jirou can hear almost everything with her quirk.

"Not here. Come." You took Katsuki's hand before taking a deep breath and activating your quirk.

You used your glitch teleporting techniek on the both of you and glitched all the way out of the building and to the forest that stood next to UA.

The whole time Katsuki didn't say a word and let you do your thing.

You stopped in the beginning of the forest, letting yourself lean on a tree with your back while Katsuki stood right in front of you.

"Alright now that we're here you can answer me." He said, more in a demanding way.

You only looked at him, not giving him an answer.

But Katsuki took that as you not remembering what his question was.

"You didn't really lose your memory, did you?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

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