Chapter five

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A week had passed by and Izuku wasn't acting any differently than usual.
What was a little bit suspicious was him telling you to leave without him and him coming home late from school. You knew why but you didn't say anything and just did what he asked you too.
You were trying to see how long he would hold it secret from you but you weren't really a patient person.

Ever since you left earlier than him you somehow managed to walk into Katsuki on your way home. He didn't talk to you, only glared when your eyes met.
You weren't bothered because of it, to be honest you were glad he didn't say a word to you. He was probably still shaken from that day you had exposed his little secret.

The words Shigaraki had told you haven't left your mind for a second since that day.
How his master wanted to help you. How you finally meant something to someone. But did you really want to mean something to a villain?

That was a question you didn't know the answer to.

Today was friday, meaning it was the last day of school for this week.
You always were happy that it was the last day before the weekend started.
School days felt like they went by as slow as a snail.
Every single class you had was boring. You hated school and you couldn't wait to leave.

At the moment you were walking towards your locker without Izuku as his locker was somewhere else.

Some days your locker would be clothered with paint or there would be a word painted on it as freak or useless. Sometimes even things far worse than that but you ignored it and cleaned it off.

You had a solid idea of who it could have done but you never cared much to do something about it. They weren't going to stop anyway.

You opened your locker and grabbed your math book out of it. It was always fun to have math as the first class of the day, not.

Before you could close your locker someone slammed it close.
You were surprised by the sudden sound but it wasn't the first time.

You looked besides you to see who it was. You sighed when you saw Katsuki standing next to you with his friends behind him.

"What do you want, Katsuki?" You asked in an annoyed way.

"Look nerd. You and Deku are not going to apply to UA, you hear me?! The two of you are only going to give this school more to be embarrassed about!" He shouted right into your ear.

You rubbed your ear while glaring at him
"Why should I listen to you?"

He took a step closer to you but you weren't pushed against the wall this time. He focussed on keeping a distance with you and the wall. His facial expression didn't change, they were still the same weird angry expression he always made when he was mad.

"If you don't I will make you." He whispered into your ear.

You were glad he didn't shout this time.

"And how were you planning on doing that? By exploding my face into the wall, again? I'm sorry but that won't work twice, barbie." You smirked, saying the last word a little more taunting than the other words.

"Shut that smart mouth of yours. I'm just sparring you because you can keep up somewhat of a fight."

It wasn't a lie you could keep up a fight with him but now was not the time. You were still confused about that villain and Izuku. Plus it was fucking math for first hour.

You placed your hand in front of your mouth as if you were shocked by what he had said.
"Aw, did you just compliment me? How sweet."

"Shut up!" He snapped, taking another step closer. He was probably going to explode you but you didn't care, it wasn't the first time he would do something like that.

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