Chapter nine

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Through all the months you trained your body started to form more muscles, not only your body but you could see Izuku getting stronger too.

It was great to see him change into a better version of himself, he still muttered in class and at home but that would never change.

You and Katsuki got into a lot of fights. You never once showed your quirk because you wanted to hold it as a surprise for the exams.
He and others sometimes asked about your hair but you ignored them and walked away. It wasn't that you hadn't had a lie for it but you just didn't want to explain it to them, especially not Katsuki as he would keep asking about it and you liked annoying him by ignoring him.

Today was the day of the exam.
This exam will decide if you are getting into UA or not.

Yesterday Shigaraki kept yelling at you to do your best otherwise he would kill you slowly without regrets. It was his way of showing his support to you.

You and Izuku stood in front of the door, ready to leave for the exam while your mother was taking pictures to have as a memory from this special day.

"My baby's I'm supporting you! Do your best!" She cried, a tear rolling down her cheek.

Izuku pulled your mother into a hug.
"Thank you, mom." You and Izuku said.

You opened the door with him on your side, taking one last look at Inko before leaving.

"Are you nervous?" You asked him as you saw him biting his nails and looking around all the time.

When you spoke his head shot up to the side to look at you. He didn't expect you to say something and he was overthinking so much that your words scared him.

"Kinda." He muttered.

You smiled at him. You knew he was actually very nervous about all this and that was understandable, this exam wasn't just any normal exam and those were already difficult enough.

"We'll get into UA, I promise."

"You can't decide that." Izuku huffed.
You wished you could decide that but sadly that's not the case.

"That's true but we told each other to never give up so I know if we keep ourselves to that promise we will get a letter from UA next week."

"I hope you're right sis" He sighed as you laid your hand on his shoulder.

"I am always right." You winked at him with a smile.

The rest of the way was quiet, both of you too busy in your own minds to say something. You had to focus that you wouldn't fuck up with your quirk. You didn't know what the exam would be and you hoped it would be something easy for your quirk to use.

Soon you walked into the big gate of UA. The building was even bigger than you imagined, it made your heart beat faster and your anxiety started kicking in slowly.

You needed some distraction so you looked at your brother, wanting to start a little conversation. "Izuku-"

You cut yourself off when you saw the expression he made. His nose scrunched up and his eyes wide as if he was disgusted but surprised at the same time.
"What are you doing with your face?"

Again Izuku snapped his head towards you, his expression softened.
"Nothing, I was just thinking."

You were going to say something else but were interrupted by Katsuki shouting behind the two of you.
"Out of my way, Deku!"

For some reason seeing him made you smile, probably because now you had someone to annoy.

"Fancy seeing you here, Katsuki." You smirked, crossing your arms over your chest.

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