Chapter forty two

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"Ah this feels amazing!" Mina gasped when she moved into the water.

You placed the tip of your toe in the water to feel if it wasn't too warm for you.

Which it wasn't, it was just perfect.

With a sigh you slipped in the water, closing your eyes as you relaxed.

"I need to agree with you on that." You agreed with Mina.

Soon all of the other girls stepped into the water.

It was weird to know that the boys were only a wall away from you and that they could climb that wall or go over that wall if they wanted too, however you knew that only Mineta would do such a awful thing.

"Girl, I have some gossip." Hagakure said, squealing a little.

All the girls shifted their attention towards her, all interested in what she had to say.

Gossiping was something you never did with other people than Izuku. That was because you didn't had other friends to gossip with and to be honest gossiping with girls was so much more fun than with your brother.

"Really? Tell us!" Mina shouted, throwing her arms in the air.

You give her a side smile. "Spill the tea sis."

"After the training camp we are going to meet boys from other schools!"

"Wait, really? How do you know?" Jirou asked, cocking up an eyebrow.

Meeting new people? It gave you stress as you weren't the social type.

"I heard Mister Aizawa talk about a hero license that includes other schools!"

"Talking about gossip and boys...." Momo trailed off, her eyes turning from Hagakure to you.

"What's up with you and Bakugo." Jirou finished the sentence with a smirk, wiggling her eyebrows at you.

You looked away, your cheeks getting warmer.

You knew that this question would come up. You wouldn't mind answering honestly but you didn't want the awkward questions that would follow after.

"Nothing." You shrugged.

Jirou scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, right. As if we would believe that."

"You two were all close in the bus and he said you wouldn't want to leave his bed. That's already enough proof that something is up, kero" Tsu said.

"Yeah, are you two in a relationship?" Uraraka asked you, nodding her head at Tsu.

"Alright." You sighed, sticking your hands up in a surrendering way. "Yeah we are."

"Oh my god! I knew it!" Hagakure squealed loudly.

The boys on the other side probably heard her.

"That's so cute." Momo smiled.

Uraraka's smile increased. "I get ten bucks from Deku."

"Wait, you guys bet on my love life?" You asked, your mouth gaped open a little.

Why would someone want to do something like that? It wasn't all that surprising to you because you knew that Izuku would do such a thing and Uraraka would probably only do it for the money.

Uraraka shrugged. "I'm not sorry, I just got ten bucks richer."

You sighed, leaned your head on the edge of the bath.

"Speaking of your brother..."Mina trailed off to look at you. "What did he think of your relationship with Bakugo? I know they can't really stand each other."

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