Chapter twenty four

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"There she is!" The cheerful voice from Mina shouted.

You looked up to see Mina and Uraraka running towards you.

"Y/n!" Uraraka shouted as they both stopped running in front of you.

"Yes?" You weren't really in the mood to be with someone right now but you couldn't block them off either.

If you weren't outside you would've probably taken a nap in your room because that argument had taken a lot of energy out of you.

Normally you weren't going to let it get to you as you simply never cared for others but this time it was different, you couldn't shake the feeling that was building up in your chest.

It stung and you wanted it gone. Maybe doing something social would help you get that feeling away.

Well, you hoped so.

"We need to change into these cheerleader uniforms from mister Aizawa." Mina said as she held a uniform in front of you.

What she said didn't sound like something Aizawa would say. He was the type of teacher that would never let his students wear something like that.

"Are you sure that's true? I doubt it." You protested but Mina already took your hand and pulled you with her.

"It is! Come on, we don't have the time."

The three of you ran to the changing rooms where all the other girls already stood ready in their cheerleader uniform.

You gulped, seeing how revealing the uniform was. It was definitely not something you would willingly wear.

Still, you took the uniform and put it on.

As you walked to the main arena you were pulling on the shirt to get it lower, it was annoying you how high it was but it didn't budge to do what you wanted it to do.

"What is this?! Class 1-A is going full fan service!" Present Mic shouted as the group of girls walked in the arena.

You looked around in the arena, hearing people say stuff to each other about your class.

You groaned, knowing that Shigaraki was definitely seeing this on the TV and he was for sure going to kill you because of this.

"Momo! Who told you we needed to wear this?!" You asked her but she only fell down on her knees, crying.

"Mineta and Kaminari!" Jirou answered you.

The two boys weren't difficult to spot. They stood a couple of meters away from you, laughing while looking at your group.

"You two!" You shouted, pointing at them as you walked towards them.

Their laughter stopped and fear took over their facial expression.

"Oh shit. Mineta, run for your life!" You heard Denki shout as the two began running away from you.

You weren't going to let them escape that easily. They have put you into the spotlight but in the most embarrassing way you could think of.

You focused on your glitch and your glitching teleportation techniek.

"I don't think so." You said as you glitched right in front of them, making them stop running.

If you were going to get killed by Shigaraki for wearing something those boys tricked you in, then it was only fair you teached them a lesson.

But before you could attack them a rough voice spoke from behind you, making you shift your attention to it.

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