Chapter fourteen

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Uraraka was still standing in front of you, her fists up to the side of her face and one leg behind the other. You weren't thinking about putting up your fists, if she wanted to fight she would have to use her quirk.

You needed to get her focus on something else for a second so you could do a sneak attack but how?

What was something you could do or say that would distract her?
The only thing you knew about her was that she hung out with Izuku a lot for only knowing each other for two days.

'Ah that's it!' You snapped your fingers.

"I see Izuku has gotten a liking to you." You casually said, stepping to the left and right.

Her hands fell down to her side making her fighting stance slumber.

You could tell that she was thinking about it and that it was affecting her. Her eyes shifted to the ground, not paying attention to you and that was the perfect moment for you to attack so you took it.

You used your glitching teleporting techniek and glitched right through her. Your hands fastly found their way to her shoulders before pulling her to the wall and glitching through it while realising her then going back through her. Now standing in front of her again, you trapped her with your hands and legs so she couldn't escape from the wall.

"Don't get distracted, idiot." You spatted at her.

She seemed surprised by your actions but that was only for a split moment as she took your wrists and switched positions.

Her fist smashed into your guts, stopping you from breathing for a while.

When you had caught your breath, you chuckled. "You know. You are pretty strong, it seems like I have to put some effort into this."

"You weren't using any effort now?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"No." You simply stated before taking her wrists and throwing her to the ground.

You could hear the air leaving her lungs as she fell on her back. The things Shigaraki had though you started to come into your mind. One of those things was 'never give your opponent time to react'.

Not giving her a second to react you took her arm again and pulled her to the window.

Even with Iida screaming at you in the back to stop this. You did what your mind was telling you to do as if you couldn't control it, as if it wasn't you. This feeling you had more times since the last year of middle school, the feeling of someone else controlling your mind and telling you what to do.

You took one last look at Uraraka and for a split second you felt remorse for what you were going to do next but again even if you didn't want to you couldn't control what your hands did as you threw her out of the window.

And right before she even was a centimeter or two from the window away you used your telekinesis to hold her into the air and pulled her back into the window.

"Do you want me killed?" She asked you, catching her breath. The girl was probably traumatized now but you could say it was just you trying to stay in your role of villain. She crawled over the floor, trying to stop her heart from beating so fast.

"No, I just wanna win this thing." You spoke up a minute after she asked.

"I want that too and to not disappoint Deku!" She shouted, standing up from the floor again.

"Deku?" You repeated from her. Why was she calling Izuku Deku?  "Does he even like you saying that nickname?" You asked, stepping closer to her.

"Yes, he was fine with it." She also stepped closer to you, her fists in the air again.

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