Chapter fifty three

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Katsuki Bakugo pov.

After hugging each other for another minute or something, the two of you finally walked inside of his room.

He gave you one of his t-shirts because yours was covered in blood.

He already went to sit on the bed, facing away from you while you were changing from shirt.

After a moment he felt the bed dip a bit, meaning you were changed and he could turn towards you again.

Your eyes staring down at your lap while he was staring at you.
His heart was beating harshly against his chest as his palms were getting sweaty. Were you stressed too or was he the only one?

The silence was stressful and awkward. He knew you weren't going to say anything, meaning he had to say something first.

He gulped, hoping all the stress would disappear and grab every bit of courage he had.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened?" He said, his voice just sounding above a whisper.

Your eyes stayed glued on your lap, pulling on the skin of your fingers.
Something really bad must've happened for you to act like this. You were someone who didn't care that much about anything and wouldn't keep your head down. However, a lot has happened in the past months.

"I went to visit All For One...." Your soft voice finally spoke up, making Katsuki snap his head back towards you. "And he escaped."

And at the end of your sentence you looked back up at him, your eyes still cold and distant.
To be honest, Katsuki missed the sparkle in your eyes. The sparkle you held in your eyes that night at the hero ball when you two danced.

But that sparkle was gone now and there was nothing left than a cold distance in your eyes.

What you said took him by surprise. "He what? How?"

"The league helped him. Before you say anything, no I did not know about this." You gave him a glare.

"I wasn't assuming that, if you did, you wouldn't be looking like this." He assured you.

He saw it, how you hated when people assumed the worst of you. Of course you didn't fully blame them for it but you mostly hated it because if they never knew who you really were, they wouldn't be pointing fingers at you when something bad had happened.

"Maybe." You muttered. "I almost lost someone today."

"Who?" He asked you, eyebrows furrowed together.

"Mister Aizawa. If the ambulance came a minute later he would've died from blood loss." You sighed at the end of your sentence; your eyes drifting away to your lap again.

He wondered where all that blood came from and at first he was scared that it was yours but you didn't act like you were hurt so he immediately knew it wasn't yours.

Now he knew whose it was and he understood why you looked so defeated.

He placed a hand over yours, rubbing your hand with his thumb. "But they weren't too late, he's still here."

Your eyes snapped back up at him and he gave you a little smile, reassuring you that all of this wasn't your fault.

"I know but that isn't what's bothering me." You sighed.

"What is it then?"

"If he wasn't a part of my plan, I wouldn't have cared if he died today." You admitted.

It took Katsuki by surprise but he already expected this. Your lack of feelings was a response to your trauma, not to mention that you probably have some mental issues which is another cause of your lack of feelings and empathy.

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