Chapter thirty nine

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You were snapped out of your thoughts by Dabi shouting, "Y/n?! Come help down here!"

You placed the papers back in the bag and placed it back where you found it.

Except for Aizawa's letter, you kept it.

You took one last look at the meeting room.

It was a bloody mess, everywhere you could see a dead body.

"Guess I really am the villain everyone told me I was going to be." You muttered before going downstairs.

"Great job, little one." Mr. Compress praised you.

You looked around in the room, it was more a mess than you had made on the top floor.

There were burned people, people who were punched into a pulp and just murdered people by knives.

"Where is Shigaraki?" You asked, turning around at compress. You didn't see him in the room.

Before compress could answer a high but rough voice spoke from behind you.

"I'm here. What do you want?" Shigaraki asked.

"Where is the doctor?"

"I killed him."

"Oh, I thought the deal was that I got to kill him?"

Shigaraki had promised you that you could kill the doctor for what he did to you but now that you knew that all of this was a lie, you already thought that this doctor wasn't going to die.

Shigaraki shrugged. "You were too busy on that top floor."

"Right." You gave him a small nod.

But you knew he was lying.

The doctor wasn't dead and you weren't too busy. He could've easily kept the doctor hostage until you were done.

"Is there something wrong?" Shigaraki asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"No, just tired from all the fighting." You lied.

You weren't tired, it didn't even take that much energy out of you, but you were nervous for what you would find out when you got back to the base.

You felt betrayed.

The people you thought that could never betray your trust did it.

"That's normal for your first time in a real fight."

You shrugged, head hanging low. "I guess."

You couldn't fool him, he knows you better than most people and that in only a couple of months.

Shigaraki was going to ask you something as he saw that there was more with you than you told him.

But Spinner called out for him.
"Shigaraki, one of them was calling the cops. We need to leave right now."

They let someone call the cops, you just knew that this would happen.

They are too busy killing and having fun that they don't notice when someone is taking their phone or running away to hide.

"How could you let this happen?!" Shigaraki shouted out in frustration.

This would've been the second time that his plan got interrupted by heroes and police.

He couldn't let that happen again.

As the two started arguing with each other, you walked to the room where Shigaraki came from.

The door was closed but you heard a voice coming from out of that room.

You leaned your body against the door with your ear against it.

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