Chapter forty eight

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Y/n Midoriya POV.

When you woke up you found yourself laying on a hospital bed with Present Mic looking shocked at you.

You were still half asleep when the teacher took out his phone and started calling someone.

Your whole body was in pain but this time the pain was bearable, not like what you felt that night.

Wait, how long has it been? You wondered as your eyes started to adjust to the light in the room.

"What am I doing here?" You asked Present Mic.

"You've been in a coma for the past month." Present Mic nervously answered, a shaky breath leaving his mouth.

"What? How?-" You asked but got cut off by the door opening.

You snapped your head at the door to see who it was.

Aizawa and All Might walked into the room, both their eyes going wide as they saw you sitting straight in your bed while looking back at them.

For some reason seeing Aizawa triggered something in you.

All the memories from training camp and after came back.

The last time you said 'I love you' to Katsuki.

The moment you heard that he was targeted by the villains.

How you had run to save him but wasn't fast enough, instead you had run right into their trap.

How he reacted when he found out about who you really were.

How he said that he didn't care about a villain, not even calling you by your name.

But the worst thing that happened that whole night...

How they stole Katsuki's quirk and gave it to you.

"Wait! Where are Katsuki and Shigaraki? I need to save both of them! And I need to kill that son of a bitch! The fucking bastard thinks he can get away with this?! He's highly mistaken!-"

You rambled, already pushing yourself out of bed even though you were in a lot of pain.

You remembered hearing everything that happened after being with that creepy doctor.

You remembered hearing Katsuki shout out your name as you were being carried away by someone else before you fully went unconscious.

"Easy. You need to stay calm." Aizawa said as he held you back from getting out of bed. "Bakugo is at school but we don't know about Shigaraki though."

All the stress you felt disappeared by hearing that.

Afo didn't take him away from you.

He was save.

"Oh that's good." You took a deep breath, laying back down on the bed.

"What happened?" You asked your teachers, wanting to know what they knew.

They shared a look before All Might sighed and began to talk.

"You've got taken by the villains and they experimented on you. It was pretty bad."

They experimented on you? You knew that doctor was doing some weird shit but you hadn't thought it would be that bad.

You remembered that your body temperature changed every minute. One moment it was ice cold and the other it was hotter than fire.

You remembered your bones feeling like they got broken over and over again.

Your body shivered while remembering all of that.

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