Chapter three

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"Don't cry Izu."

Izuku wasn't one to hide his emotions. They flooded out of him like the water from a river once it reached a cliff.

You never were good with showing your emotions, most of the time your sadness turned into anger. You didn't see anything wrong with how you communicated, but your mother did as she had sent you to talk with someone when you were twelve years old because she thought that you didn't often show any real emotions.

"I'm sorry," He said between hiccups he got from crying, he wiped away his tears with the end of his sleeve.

You took his hand in yours and squeezed it a little. "It's okay, don't let what he said affect you. You know what we promised each other, huh?"

He nodded his head. "Never give up on your dreams."

"Exactly, now show me how All Might laughs!" You tried to cheer him up, and talking about All Might always helped.

Izuku started to laugh like a mad man. One hand in the air while he did a weird walking style.

You snorted, holding your hand in front of your mouth.
"Izu, you sound like a villain."

Izuku stopped walking and turned towards you with a glare.
"You ain't helping." He pouted.

His reaction made you double over with laughter, and tears in your eyes.

But your laughter eased to a sinister quiet when a weird sound came from behind you.

Both of you turned to look what it was.
A green liquid that reminded you of a jelly cake came out of the sewer.

You pushed Izuku's shoulder with a shaky hand. You couldn't say a word as you stared into the villains eyes.

"A v-villain!" Izuku shouted, trying to run.

And just as if someone had pinched you back to reality your body started to move again, your mind activated your fight and flight response.

"Izuku, watch out," You shouted as you pushed Izuku to the side just before the monster could take him.

A warmth wrapped around your body, not like a blanket, more so thickened water.

"Don't worry, I'm just taking over your body. It will be easier for both of us if you don't fight back. It will only hurt for a minute."

You pulled and dug your nails into the body of jelly, but it did not work.

Izuku's eyes were wide as they looked at you. And you wondered if the scared emotion behind them was because of the monster or because of you?

"Y/n!" Izuku ran towards you, grabbing onto the monster's body.

"Grab all you want, my body is made out of liquid."

How long has it been since you were in the possession of that monster? You didn't know but your eyes were slowly closing and your body was starting to feel weak.

You just wanted to go home.

You felt a gust of wind going over your body. You opened your eyes for a little to see a man standing in front of you, your view was blurry so you couldn't see who it was but your brother's words told you enough.

"All Might!"

That was the last thing you heard before closing your eyes and letting your mind rest.


Hey princess,
I'm sorry that I didn't send you a letter last month, daddy was busy with some things.

I promise when the time is ready I will tell you everything but for now stay strong for me and mommy.

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