Chapter thirty two

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Another three days had passed by and your hero work study week was almost over.

Katsuki and you had been getting closer with every day that passed by. You two still slept with each other in your room, alway watching movies and helping each other with nightmares. nothing other than that really happened.

Both were too scared to make a move on each other.

You tried to avoid Akira but of course that was difficult as he needed to train with you a lot. You acted nice to him so he wouldn't suspect that you knew what he said to Katsuki.

You faked being his friend.

You were also careful with what you did and said when people were around, not wanting to have more people finding out.

At the moment you stood in your room with your hero costume on as you just came from patrol with Best Jeanist.

You were planning on changing out of your costume but then suddenly a portal appeared in front of you.

"What the fuck!" You screamed as you jumped a meter away from the portal.

"Midoriya, don't curse!" Kurogiri's voice came out of the portal.

"Well, Sorry. What did you expect when you showed up out of nowhere? What if someone was in this room?" You said, your arms moving around in the air as you spoke.

"Don't stand there, come now!" You suddenly heard Shigaraki's voice shout from the other side of the portal.

You smiled, wanting to see him again. You missed him a lot through this whole week and he was the type of guy to never message you so you didn't really know what he was doing or how he was doing.

You were excited to be with them again, to be home again.

You stepped through the portal, thinking you would step into the base but instead you stood on top of a building in Hosu.

"woah. I thought we were in the bar?" You said as you looked around.

Being that high on top gave you a beautiful view on the city.
Your eyes stopped at a stranger that stood with you on top of the building. He was watching over the city like an eagle.

"And who is that?!" You asked, pointing at the guy.

"That's the hero killer stain." Kurogiri informed you.

Oh so that's how the hero killer looks like, a special guy. You thought.

"Hi dude." You said when he turned around to meet you.

His eyes looked you up and down before cocking up an eyebrow at Shigaraki.
"Who is this child?"

"She's one of us. Secretly a hero in UA." Shigaraki told him.

You wondered if it really was a good idea to tell him about you. What if he doesn't want to work with the league and tells the heroes about you? Well, not that they don't know but still.

It's a risk.

"She's a traitor?" He asked to be sure.


The guy looked at you again, giving you a judgemental look before scoffing and turning away.

What an asshole. You thought while scoffing.

"You have a clear goal, your dedication is admirable." Kurogiri said to the guy.

"Finally someone who understands."

"I get the feeling you enjoy picking on me." Shigaraki sighed, scratching his neck.

"Who doesn't?" You taunted, making him slap you on the head.

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