Chapter sixty three

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You walked inside the building with Katsuki holding the door open for you before walking in behind you.

Your eyes immediately caught your class sitting in front of the tv, some on the couch and some on the ground or in each other's lap.

They seemed to be enjoying each other's company, it struck a stingy feeling inside your heart, you missed being a part of them.

Yes, the league was more a family to you than them but they still were the best friends you ever had.

The moment the door closed behind Katsuki, Mina snapped her head towards the door.

Her eyes lit up as she saw you standing right next to Katsuki.

"Oh my god! Guys, Y/n is back!" She screamed as she jumped off Uraraka's lap and ran towards you.

You opened your arms, knowing that she was about to jump into them.

"Hey Mina." You chuckled as her arms flew around your neck, you still kept your hands off her as you were afraid to activate Shigaraki's quirk.

After making a squealing sound, she pulled back.

"Just a simple hey? Girl do you know how much I've missed you? These people can't gossip even if their lives depended on it." She laughed, rolling her eyes at the people behind her.

Sometimes you forget that people here still cared for you and missed being with you. You forgot how much fun you had with your class before everything happened.

"So it's good that I'm back?" You asked, already knowing the answer.

"Hell yeah!" She shouted, not soon Denki and Kirishima shouted the exact same words.

You remembered how your little group had gone to that new coffee shop and got almost two hours late for school. How you all came up with the stupidest excuse for it, the way you all trusted each other.

You'd do anything to go back to that moment.

Soon the whole class had gathered around you and Katsuki, asking you small questions like how you're doing.

You could see that some were being fake, trying to be nice to you to stay on your good side.

It pained you to see that some hated you or were afraid of you, maybe even both.
You didn't blame them, you hadn't expected them to still like you the way they once did.

Luckily there were still people who loved you, your real friends.

As you answered the questions you realized that one person wasn't there with them.

You turned to Uraraka as you knew that she was the one who would know the answer to your question.

"Where's Izuku?" You asked.

"He's in a meeting with the heroes." She simply answered before giving a little more detail. "They're talking about you and the plan."

"Oh." You nodded.

Of course he was with the heroes, the boy is almost a hero himself already. Probably more powerful than most of those hero's too.

However, they were talking about the plan and you were one of the main subjects of that plan. Why weren't you there? Why didn't you know about this meeting?

"Shouldn't I be there too?" You asked nobody in particular.

That was the most logical thing right? For you to be there too. But Mina thought otherwise.

"No." She declared. "You should stay with us. You can talk with the heroes later. I wanna know everything about what's going on!"

Now everyone was really listening. All wanting to know what that war was, how Shigaraki died and mostly why Izuku was in this too.

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