Chapter twenty

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"I don't think contacting pro hero hawks would be a good idea." Kurogiri said as he was cleaning the bar for the tenth time.

"I know but what if he knows more? I mean we really don't have a lot of options here." You sighed.

At the moment you were sitting in the league's hiding place with Shigaraki and Kurogiri, looking for more information about what happened to you.

"We are not working with a hero." Shigaraki snarled from next to you.

"Come on grandpa. I heard he's really handsome and a big flirt. Maybe you can show off your moves like you did with Aizawa." You said in a teasing manner, wiggling your eyebrows.

He scoffed, running a hand through his hair. "I wasn't showing off, I did what I had to. You're such a weird kid."

You furrowed your eyebrows, looking to the other side with a pout. "I'm just helping. I want to know what happened to me and the others."

"We'll get there, I promise." Shigaraki said with a soft voice, surprising you as he laid his hand on your shoulder with one finger up.
"Now start reading your document, it almost looks like you're avoiding it."

"It's scary." You admitted.

Shigaraki laughed at your words. "You are sitting next to the most dangerous villain in this world and you are scared of some paper with letters on it?"

"I know you won't hurt me on purpose." You chuckled. But was that true?

You trusted Shigaraki with your life and you would always trust him. He saved you when you were at your lowest and he's still helping you with everything he has.

To you he felt like family more than your own family did.

He shook his head. "You trust people too easily. You better change that habit before you run into the wrong person."

"I'm sitting next to the number one dangerous villain in the world, I don't think I can run into someone worse." You mocked him.

He rolled his eyes but was genuinely serious about everything he said.

"It's not because I'm a villain that I'm the worst person you will ever meet. There are people out there that present themselves as good but are the worst types to exist."

Not everyone that's nice is good and not everyone that's mean is bad. Some people will say the right words to you just so they can manipulate you into doing what they want.

That was something you had experienced from a young age. It's actually also what most parents do. They would say 'you can have this candy if you do this.' Yes it was a way of teaching children to do what they have to do and to listen but if you look at it in another way you would notice that it was also manipulative, even if it was for the best, it could easily be used for the worst.

You didn't say anything and started reading your paper again.

'By the bonding quirk I could see that her heart rate was increasing every time she was with a blond and loud boy. I could identify this feeling as love. If we want her to be invincible we will have to get rid of that feeling.'

Your eyes went wide as you read that. You were indeed in love with Katsuki when you were a child but he abandoned you and hated you so you pushed those feelings away until there was nothing but hatred.

"Did you find something?" Shigaraki suddenly spoke, scaring you again. He saw your eyes widened when you were reading and that could've only meant that you read something important.

"No, nothing special." You shrugged and started reading more.

'Her heart rate increased after reading some letters from her father. I could identify this feeling as fear.'

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