Chapter fifty

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You walked through the portal.

The smell of blood and old wood rushed onto you.

That wasn't the same smell as in that bar.

You stepped out of the portal, stepping right into something that looked like a huge garage with some wooden boxes in.

As you stepped out of the portal, your eyes immediately landed on the person who was already staring at you with wide eyes.

"Shigaraki." You softly said, a smile appearing on your face.

The villain stood up from the box he sat on and walked towards you as you only stood two meters away from him.

Shock washed all over his face before a smile appeared and his arms flew around you, pulling you into a hug.

You took a deep breath out of shock, your eyes going wide.

This was the very first time that he hugged you. It took you by surprise because you never expected a villain to show this much love for someone.

This small action proved to you that monsters weren't born, they were made.

And Shigaraki wasn't a heartless villain, he never was. He just got saved by the wrong person but now it was your time to save him from his bad life.

"Y/n, I was afraid that you died or got locked up for the rest of your life." He muttered into the hug before letting go of you.

You looked around, seeing nobody else from the league. They probably were on a mission.

The words that Shigaraki said kicked in. He was worried about you.

He had spent this whole month worrying about you.
When he saw that hero take you away from the battlefield, he tried so hard to get you back but everyone was holding him back and the moment he finally was where the hero stood, you were already gone.

That was the first moment in a very long time that he cried.

Not because his master would get mad or anything but because he lost you.

He lost the only family he had.

For the whole month, he was scared that you died and that he would never see you again.

But here you were, standing in front of him with the same bright smile like the first time you entered the league's base.

"Did you really think that about me? me? I can't be killed that easily." You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest.

He rolled his eyes but softly laughed. "Looks like the attitude is still there too."

"I know you missed me." You smirked, pushing his shoulder a bit in a playful way.

"Tch, shut up brat." He spat but the smile stayed on his face.

You walked to the wooden box where Shigaraki first sat. You sat down and not long later Shigaraki sat down next to you.

"Why are you back? Aren't you mad at us?" He suddenly asked.

You knew that question was going to come up but you had already thought about an excuse.

"Why should I be mad? It's not your fault. Plus, I'd like the idea of being stronger with more quirks." You showed him one of your brightest smiles, hoping to convince him.

He looked at you, his facial expression not changing.

It took a bit too long for him to say something back, the only way to get out of this situation was changing the subject from the conversation.

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