Chapter forty nine

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I quickly wanted to say that I've shorten up a lot...

So the house arrest from Deku and Bakugo doesn't happen and the hero license exam is earlier..


"Y/n." He softly said back.

Your heart was beating at a fast speed.

You were holding yourself back from jumping in his arms. You really wanted to show him how much you've missed him and how sorry you were for everything but you couldn't.

You needed to act like you hated him even if that wasn't what you wanted.

"Euhm..." You said, trailing off as you remembered that you needed to give him his quirk back.

You took the little container out of your pocket. "This was something I needed to give to you. I don't know what it is but I just feel like it's very important."

You gave the liquid to him, your eyes avoiding his as you were afraid to not be able to hold yourself back.

He looked at you before looking at the small container in his hand.

He opened it, smelling it to figure out what it was.

He brought the small container up to his lips.

"Wait, don't-" Todoroki said as Katsuki immediately threw the whole content from it into his mouth.

"Why did you just drink it?! What if it was poison?" Todoroki sighed.

He truly wanted to be your friend now but you had memory loss, he still needed to be prepared for anything because you didn't even remember what the liquid was, it could've been anything.

However, Katsuki didn't think the same way.

"Oh shut up! I trust her!" He shouted at the duo haired boy.

You looked back at him, your stomach fluttering when you heard him say that he trusted you.

After everything you had done, he still trusted you.

You were so afraid of losing him after he found out but it seemed like you were afraid for nothing.

He snapped his eyes back at you, they widened a bit as realization crashed onto him.

"No way, you're joking?" He asked you, his mouth gaped open slightly.

This made the others curious about what was going on while you were holding back the smile that wanted to appear on your face.

"What is it?" Denki asked.

Katsuki opened his hand and a small explosion came out of his palm.

Some gasped while others stared at it in shock.

His quirk was back and most importantly, you were back. It was like this day was a beautiful dream to him.

"Your quirk!" Mina shouted with a big smile on her face.

"It's back!" Kirishima cheered.

Katsuki smiled while looking at his hand before looking back at you with even a bigger smile.

"This is awesome." He said, walking closer to you.

Before you could even notice what he wanted to do, you were pulled into his arms.

Your eyes widened. You had missed being this close to him so much, his arms around you while your body temperatures mixed with each other.

Katsuki hated showing affection in public or just when you two were with your friends, but he was overwhelmed with happiness that he did not care for that.

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